Monday, October 7, 2013

Red Ed is over enthusiastic

BEAMING WITH childish enthusiasm for the support he received from the public over his joust with the Daily Mail, Red Ed believes that the support he was shown for the defence of his Marxist father can be interpreted as support for his father's Marxism. So, along with his promised freeze on utility increases, he now dons (quixotic-like) his armour, to take on the water companies; and when asked whether he would intervene in other markets his response sounded keen, eager and passionate; as if in fact he believed himself to be the people's zeitgeist - he mistakes sympathy for support[1].
            But now Red Ed is prepared to go even further to see his socialist dream realised. Asked whether he was prepared to take action in other markets, his response was enthusiastic. He told BBC Radio Five live, "Part of it [tackling the cost of living crisis] it is about dealing with this issue of overcharging and rip-offs. Banking is another example where we’ve said we want to see more competition."
            He no doubt believes that every move he takes in his political life is in recognition of his father and his beliefs. The Daily Mail is not far off the point when it seeks to warn the British public of the Miliband legacy. The vast majority of people do not want to see the shroud of socialism lowered over this country - not even the Labour Party leaders of the 1960s and 1970s ever wanted this[2]; for they witnessed its impact during the years of union and student militancy that almost brought this country to its knees during the 1970s.
            That was an age of, in industrial terms, medievalism. The unions were briefly in control of the nation, and they held it to ransom; and would have continued to their desired end, if it were not for the election of Margaret Thatcher - that most hated of politicians by the Left, including those within her own party which succeeded in destroying her.   

EDWARD MILIBAND is his father's disciple. He believes in the socialist dystopia as did his father. He was no doubt closer to him than his brother who enjoyed an air of scepticism about the whole Marxist enterprise. Having no doubt learned of its cruelty and brutality free from his father's influence at Oxford.
            Ed Miliband, from his response to Levy's piece in the Daily Mail, appears far closer to his father's views than his brother, despite sharing the same education as his brother. David, from what I have read was never a believer in Marxism and tried to turn the Labour Party away from socialism and drive it into the arms of social democracy; a much watered down version of socialism. So watered down that even  European Conservatives would feel at home within its compass; a compass which David Cameron takes directions from.

A LABOUR GOVERNMENT  led by Ed Miliband would seek to orchestrate capitalism; allowing only those practices that met with his approval on strict socialist principles; as he is suggesting today in his interview with Radio Five Live -  I hope this interview was partly due to the intoxication of a victory won over the Daily Mail; but I fear not.
           Capitalism can be at times unfair, as I openly admit. But it is the greatest force for human progress that has ever been proffered up. A socialist system, on the other hand, has introduced nothing but stagnation, brutality and death to the tune of countless of millions of lives throughout the Marxist world.
            Ed Miliband must realise that socialism runs contrarily to human nature. If he wins the next election he will seek to impose restrictions on the capitalist system. By doing so, he will only confirm the Daily Mail's view of his father instead of those of the British public, prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt.


[1] What I found curious throughout Ed Miliband's exchanges with the Daily Mail over his father, is that nothing was heard from his brother across the pond. Not a whisper from David Miliband - he, apparently was not as outraged as Ed was about the treatment of their father by the Daily Mail; for in this social media world, David could not remain ignorant of what was unfolding in London.

[2] At the time the Cold War was in progress, and served as a warning.

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