Wednesday, May 28, 2014

London is foreign country - they do things differently there.

THE LONDON metropolitan (liberal) elite cannot help themselves; they are doomed by their cavalier and overbearing natures to pour their condescension by the bucket full over the heads of those of us who live outside of their golden triangle of inner London, and who voted Ukip.
            On Sky news this morning, as the papers were being reviewed, the anchor related that he was told by an un-named colleague that Ukip did so badly in London because the population were young and better educated; implying that those of us who are unfortunate enough to live in the provinces are turnip sucking Neanderthals…surely there is a hate crime in there somewhere?
             In today's Daily Telegraph, Charles Moore gives an insightful analysis of the phenomenon that is the Metropolitan elite. He describes them as "the numerous multi-millionaires from the financial services, many of whom are not British citizens and therefore cannot vote, the head consists of top lawyers, media and advertising executives, lobbyists, civil servants and those industries and quangos that prosper from government contracts. It also consists of those who formally rule us…"
             There is a smell of 1789 Paris about the division between the country and the capital in modern Britain. All power, political, financial, journalistic, media, and artistic, reverberates throughout the nation from the capital. Inner London has become the residence of a kind of cultural bourbonism; comprising the Great and Good.
             At Westminster the political parties are frozen in solidarity; into a social democratic overlordship that much of the country have grown weary of. All three parties are captivated by the sound-bite, dissembling, and the highly paid analysts who, with their computers, reduce the electorate to mere lab rats. The parties now concentrate on the marginals, taking for granted the votes of those constituencies who they contemptuously perceive would vote for a monkey with the relevant coloured rosette.
              But in Rotherham this approach backfired for Labour. For 80 years the constituency had been solid Labour; and had been taken for granted by the Labour Party. Ukip made inroads into the North of England and into Labour's working class areas. The modern Labour Party have slowly left behind its working class roots. The leaving had begun with Tony Blair who put his faith in the sympathy of migrants - particularly the Catholic Polish, as just one ethnic minority that he envisaged would replace the indigenous white working class as traditional Labour voters.

IT IS FAR TO early in Ukip's progress; but I sense that something is happening in British politics. The capital city is divorcing itself from the rest of the country.
              Labour has always been strong within the capital. Charles Moore uses a quote from Dame Tessa Jowell in his piece were she praises the city for rejecting Ukip. She says, "The results show London as an open and tolerant and diverse city." But also an expensive one, which only the likes of Dame Tessa and her Hampstead and Primrose Hill sisterhood can afford to live in; while purchasing the cheap migrant labour for domestic purposes. Who in turn live outside of the Golden triangle.
             As Charles Moore writes; "It is easy to be 'tolerant' of people whose presence reinforces your economic advantage rather than challenging it." The point exactly. The Golden Triangle of inner London is occupied by the self-satisfied believers in Multiculturalism and diversity who sneer at (and, no doubt, satirises over dinner) the average Ukip voter.
             This elite in London can only be brought down by the voter. It is the voter, and particularly the Labour voter in working class areas that must act. The modern "Labour" Party is no longer Labour; just as the "Conservative" Party is only Conservative in name. The working class such as is left of it are fools to continue voting Labour. I am 64 and had voted Labour all my life until the last election when I voted Ukip. I live in Great Yarmouth, and Thursday's council results left my council in no overall control.
             Yarmouth is a council which for decades has swapped between Conservative and Labour; and both parties have learned to take their core votes in certain wards for granted. This time Ukip took 11 wards, including my own.

SO WHAT ABOUT LONDON? As Nigel Farage was asked by one journalist. For a moment I thought Farage would lose his temper with the interviewer, as he would have been fully entitled to do after such a successful sweep of the country. But he got back to his old self and delivered a sensible response, if not an accurate one, out of deference to Londoners.
              London has seen white flight on a scale that threatens to turn the white indigenous population in London into a minority. This is the Multiculturalism and diversity that the likes Tessa Jowell, like many of the Metropolitan elite, has multiple orgasms over. It seems to be her G-spot. Is it no wonder that Ukip did so well in Essex? London began expelling its white working class to Essex from the 1960s, and it continues to today.
             Any cockney living in London today is a museum piece and nothing more. Diversity seems to exclude the white indigenous population unless they live within the Golden Triangle of inner London, where wealth and comfort determine the attitude of the Metropolitan liberal elite.

WHAT I BELIEVE WE are seeing is the rebellion of small 'c' conservatives from within all the three main parties; and there are more to be harvested by Ukip. Ukip will face set-backs, if not in Sunday's European election results; then they will, come next year's election - but set-back and only set-back it will it be. Farage must educate his party into accepting that out-come in 2015. He must prepare his party and its loyal voters for failure on the road to power.
              We have a fossilised political class situated in London who have been proficient in dissembling against each other on nothing more than syntactic differences and references to political correctness. Semantics is the life-blood of the LibLabCon triumphret. They have no real differences when it comes to Europe. All believe we must remain within it. But none of them offers the public an in/out referendum without qualification. Ukip does and Ukip will. This is the message Ukip must take to the voters…particularly the Labour ones, because unless we are out of Europe immigration is set flourish and do further social damage to the NHS, education, and housing in this country, as well as, probably the social stability to this nation as well as many others in Northern Europe.
               Already the late French president Nicholas Sarkozy is demanding an end to the Schengen Agreement that allowed the free movement of people within Europe which we signed up to. He has the same concerns as Nigel Farage but is nevertheless not considered racist by the London Metropolitan elite for expressing them.


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