Sunday, September 14, 2014

An independent socialist Scotland is the SNP purpose

THE IRONY IS, that Scottish independence will not work because it has allowed no room for a Conservative free market supporting party to fit in. What would emerge from Scotland going it alone would be a spending, taxing, borrowing economy, with a distaste for wealth creation, ambition, and individualism. It will nurture envy at every level, and drive Scotland's most ambitious souls south; as has always been the case in a socialist economy whose people are free to look elsewhere to fulfil their entrepreneurial ambitions (look at France today for instance).
            Its not that the Scots just hate for hates sake the English Conservatives; they hate what they believe they still represent to them  - supporters of the bosses and the aristocracy.  The former represented by a fat, top-hated, cigar smoking capitalist, while the latter is represented by an effete Louis XVI, bedecked in ermine, wearing a powdered wig and sporting a walking cane purely for effect. Both images have provided the standard text book villains representing the ruling classes for socialists.
             It is quite remarkable: socialism must now bare comparison in intellectual thought to the age of steam. Like steam, socialism should have, but has not, moved on since the 19th century. In terms of political thought, every socialist experiment attempted has failed, and has wrought nothing but misery to the people living under its iron heel – especially within the Soviet Union, Chinese, Cuban, Cambodian, and currently the Venezuelan peoples.
              Like all utopia's which attempt to bend human nature to their will in order to seed, and harvest their ideas for the betterment of mankind; it usually ends in coercion, compulsion, and the Gulags. Socialism, in whatever garb it dresses itself up in; whether that of Communism or the more benign, yet equally disastrous social democracy that now plagues the EU; it will only end in political disillusionment brought about by economic bankruptcy.

THE SNP ARE nationalist socialists. They believe in Scottish national independence, where they believe Scotland can flourish as an independent nation state. But they also believe that the state should be the sole patron of within an independent Scotland. Social welfare, the NHS, and even business like BP can find themselves in thrall to socialism's age old fascination with nationalisation.
             Scottish independence will fail. Not because it is a bad idea in principle; but it represents a political monoculture of Left-wing prejudice and an intolerance of any private sector that seeks to make profits and create 'monstrous' millionaires. There is and never has been a flourishing socialist economy. But if Alex Salmond wishes to see Scotland go the way of Venezuela, another  socialist oil dependent economy; then let him realise his 'dream'.
            Those people of Scotland who are intent upon voting Yes; and those undecided's who will eventually vote Yes; and will tip the balance for Scottish independence will rue the day they did so?
            An independent Scotland is one thing; but one exposed to socialist ideology with no contrary ideological opposition, is doomed before it gets off the ground. As much as the Scots hate the English, as the nationalists would have us believe; the ordinary none-Londonistan centric English could not give a shit about Scottish independence.
             Let them go. Let them wallow in their own pyrrhic victory over the English.  Let them enjoy their socialist nirvana. The world moves on. England will continue, and begging letters in the Spectator for the Union to continue are a disgrace and an embarrassment. Let the Scots build their own socialist republic, as the Welsh have also tried to do at the English taxpayer's expense.

             But Scotland without the Union must fend for themselves. It is their choice, that after 307 years of resentment compiled against the English they will finally bring to bear what they say they want – independence. So be it; and let them get on with it. England will continue and form a compromise with human nature as Adam Smith believed in as the best way forward for an economy. But the Scots have turned their backs on the Scottish founder of modern political economy; and are now about to crown such foolishness by turning their back on the UK – if the vote is yes, I wish them well, but you cannot expect any favours if it all goes belly up.

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