Wednesday, January 28, 2015

I toast the Jews

“the most formidable and the most remarkable race which has ever appeared in the world.”
 Winston Churchill on the Jews.

THE JEWS USED TO HAVE FRIENDS ON THE Left, but the Israeli/Palestinian conflict has turned those on the Left into anti-Zionists which means of course that they do not believe in a Jewish homeland. They however may protest that they do not object to such a Jewish state; but not one situated where it currently resides. They have, however, no suggestions of how they would recompense the Israeli Jews with a state of their own elsewhere in the region, or even in the world, if they just up and left, at the beckoning of Hamas and the British Left.
                Today is the 70th anniversary of the Holocaust; an event that horrified the world. I am 64 and was born and brought up in the shadow of this enormous and horrendous slaughter that delivered in the 20th century the kind of nightmare whose nature of cruelty, was familiar once only to those living in the dark ages – but on an even bigger scale and by a country whose culture gave the world Beethoven, Wagner, and Kant; and a whole dictionary of other philosophical, literary, artistic, and musical greats.
                 I was once on the Left in politics and continually voted Labour as did my brother, mother and father, before me. It is the kind of family effect that leads to the stereotypical traditional Labour voter, who, if they were presented with a monkey wearing a red rosette, they would continue to vote Labour.
                 However there was an interregnum that left me suckling from the breast of the Communist Party of Great Britain for three years in my twenties. I was born in 1950 into a working class family (when such a class still had meaning to the Labour Party). My father was a Norfolk labourer who found himself in Burma fighting the Japanese during the Second World War.
                 Belonging to such a generation, I developed an instinctive sympathy for the Jewish people – and I have always considered myself a Judeophile. Their persecution by the Nazis and its horrendous outcome, was the mere tip of an anti-Semitic  iceberg that covered 2,000 years of  brutality, harassment, and singling out for all kinds of punishment -  living has they had to do within a Diaspora and left struggling to survive in the best way they knew how; often forced to live within walled-off compounds (the Pale of Jewish settlement) within cities all over Europe; only to be allowed out during the day and made to return at night.
                 If the truth be known, the Jew's persecutors thought themselves inferior to them; and distrusted them. The Jews have always been great survivalists. They never went the way of the indigenous native population of what is now the USA; whose own Holocaust has never been subjected to the same kind of scrutiny that the German variant has been.
                 Jews have traded in gold, diamonds, and been popularly seen as  pawnbrokers and money lenders. Which has added to their popular image among anti-Semites as Fagin's hooked-nosed, avaricious, and considered repulsive to the sight, by their bigoted persecutors.
                 All the Jews did within the Diaspora was what they were only allowed to do; and if all they were allowed to do was to earn a living via money lending, pawning, and latterly trading in diamonds; then this was what they had to do to survive; and it is from these allowable employments that the Jews have been persecuted as curmudgeonly misanthropes.
                 The Jews were barred from many of the professions as well as from all forms of legitimate business and enterprise. Anti-Semitic prejudice made them unwelcome within whichever part of the Diaspora they were forced to settle; no doubt because the inhabitants feared the competition. It was the impulse of survival  ( not greed) that gifted the Jews with a talent for business. It was the needs of survival that sharpened their skills at making money.
                  Today it is different. All enterprises are thankfully open to the Jewish people to pursue within the West. But still it persists in the conscience of modern anti-Semites that the Jews are ravenous collectors of wealth at any cost.

THE JEWISH PEOPLE have been forced through prejudice and the Diaspora to explore their survival qualities. Qualities which Winston Churchill applauded in his essay "Zionism verses Bolshevism". The following tribute was written by the historian Andrew Roberts; "Not all Churchill’s racial characterizations were negative…He believed the Jews to be “the most formidable and the most remarkable race which has ever appeared in the world.” He felt an instinctive affinity for their genius as well as a historian’s respect for their trials, and he supported Jewish aspirations wherever they did not clash with those of the Empire. He may have inherited his philo-Semitism from his father, but he certainly gave it new lustre in his own life.
               This is how I look upon the Jews (ignoring of course the reference to Empire) and would have felt myself privileged to have been born among them. But the Jews today are now under more pressure from not only their traditional persecutors on the Right; but also from their one-time friends on the Left. The European Jews are being squeezed; none more so than those living among us in the UK where the plight  of the Palestinians has caught the imagination of the Left, as well as  the traditional bigotry of the radical Right.
                If the events that unfolded in Paris earlier this month - as well as the countless other acts committed against the Jews by Muslims all over Europe – does not put the icing on the cake that justifies a Jewish homeland and bring an end to the wandering Jew - then the Jews must make their final stand in Jerusalem. The world it seems has often despised the Jewish people. So why should not such a people find a retreat from persecution and be allowed to live among each other within a state as they historically did?


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