Friday, May 1, 2015

The Dublin rules and the Abbot rules.

THE DUBLIN RULES are an EU concoction that says that refugees have to seek asylum in the first country they land in and are not allowed to pick and chose which country they decide they would like to live in; but the southern European countries have ignored this rule without penalty and allowed migrants to move north to richer pastures in France, Germany, the UK and the Nordic countries of Norway, Denmark and Sweden.
               The appalling sight of migrants fleeing from North African shores across the Mediterranean to Malta and Italy and drowning in there many hundreds is a conscience pricking event for all of us; but particularly our European liberals who spout over the digital airways and in the newspapers, that our government and all European governments must stop this egregious situation from worsening.
                In other words they must do something; what exactly, they do, they do not expand upon – and if the politicians fail them in their demands of providing a humanitarian solution; then it is they the politicians who must be to blame and endure the sleepless conscience riven nights liberals, at all cost, try to avoid.
                Our liberals; or the saner among them, only want the politicians to act like some guidance councillors to oversee their conscience in the age of secularism, where the Catholic priest confessor has lost all credibility. They want only to go to bed at night and sleep peacefully without making any kind of personal sacrifice to alleviate the problem they wish the politicians to provide an answer to.
               Well the answer is simple but brutal. Brutal because the European liberal conscience has allowed the problem to fester for so long; thus making a humanitarian solution harder to come by. The problem has been ignored by Europe's liberalista politicians hoping that Italy can cope with the problem (which they obviously cannot).
               What should have happened long ago was to follow the example of Tony Abbot, the Australian prime minister, who turned back the boats full of refugees that sought to enter his country. This resulted in some drowning, and those who did get through were put in isolation in temporary detention camps on various Pacific Islands; never to be allowed to set foot on Australian soil.
                Tony Abbot looked the traffickers in the eye and told them to bring it on; and because of the methods he deployed, trafficking to Australia has been all but stopped, and vastly many more lives will have been saved than were lost before Abbot acted. Word soon gets out among those wishing to get to Australia that they will never make it, and if they happen to consider themselves lucky in so doing, then their dispersal to detention camps off of Australia's shores has convinced them that trying is not worth the price of a boat the traffickers are demanding; and so the traffickers go out of business, and the asylum seekers stay where they are – unless that is, they can get to the Mediterranean; where Europe is open to them.

IF WE DO NOT STOP this migrant influx on to European shores once and for all, then our European civilisation will fall victim to the overwhelming subjugation by the sheer weight of numbers of people from (but not exclusively) the African continent. Rather than face up to the fact that such a migrant incursion represents an invasion force, the likes of Angela Merkle insists that the richer European countries must spread the load of integrating them within their borders; thus encouraging ever more migrations from outside of Europe; and if this happens ever more will try to cross the Mediterranean.
                Angela Merkle leads a country that has had to absorb the guilt of its previous generation's behaviour during the Second World War. She, like her fellow Germans, have absorbed into their very marrow what the Nazis did; and they will never do anything to resurrect such a past, and are therefore the perfect hosts for such a large influxes into Germany.
                This is why Angela Merkle seeks to stand by those crossing the Mediterranean – she does not want modern Germany to be once more associated with its inhuman past by taking the necessary action needed to turn them away. The rest of Europe understands this; and Germany has gone to almost masochistic lengths to apologise to Europe for her past. Indeed, Germany has weakened her military prowess at a time when Europe most needs it because of fears both among its own people and the rest of Europe that German militarism will someday rise once more to conquer Europe - but as the EU has shown, Germany needs no army to do this only a strong economy.

CHANCELLOR MERKLE does a great disservice to European Western civilisation by suggesting that the human detritus being washed up on Italy's shore should be shared among us. The European continent must, for the sake of its own cultural survival (already under strain from the Islamic input to Europe brought about by colonial guilt) turn these people away.
                Because of the EU's open door policy, Right-wing parties are already being seeded throughout the EU and challenging the old liberal hegemony in each country. Yet Angela Merkle still insists that northern Europe's richest states still invite those landing on Italy's shores to come and live among them – including the UK.
                This cannot and must not happen - and I will tell you why. It is not only about numbers although this carries great weight with me as a citizen of the UK. But it is also about not knowing about the background of these people. We are told they can pay up to $5,000 for their crossing – where did they get such amounts to pay their traffickers? These people are supposed to be impoverished North Africans – has the West ever considered that many of these 'boat people' may have been financed by ISIS in order to help undermine our borders.
                 I am not suggesting for one moment that such people wishing to escape the bondage of ISIS are in any way complicit; but given the liberal laxity shown toward these boat people by European liberal societies; we, as I did, assumed that these were genuine victims of the ISIS expansion into Libya that drove them further North until they fell into the arms of the people traffickers that cajoled them into escaping to Europe via their wretched promises of a better life in Europe – but were the people traffickers that set them on their journey members of ISIS?
                 The Dublin rules are not being adhered to by the Italians, rightly eager to get these immigrants off of its back; the Italians are even free to issue them with European passports which will allow them entry into all other parts of the European Union. As far as the northern European countries are concerned, this means directing them toward us in the UK as the most favoured option economically.
                  The Dublin rules are meaningless; because all rules within the EU are meant to be broken by all countries other than the UK. European politicians live only for the moment – their moment. What comes after is for the people of Europe to have to put up with. European politicians, whether unelected commissioners or the elected rubber-stamp brigade in the European Parliament, look only to the vast amounts of public money they can screw from the system on their behalf in order to secure a more than comfortable retirement for themselves and their families; while the people in whose interest they were supposed to serve and pay their salaries, are left deeply aggrieved by the selfish decisions they make on their own behalf.
                   The decision, after the European open boarders' judgement, to then take in yet another flood of migrants from North Africa into Europe will only increase the popularity of the Right within Europe and by such an increase will lead eventually to social unrest throughout the continent. Our European politicians are fast becoming part of a new Ancient RĂ©gime comparable to that of Louis XVI that brought upon France, with its overthrow, the dreaded age of terror. Will the European Right replicate such a terror in the modern age? If so, the modern liberal ancient regime will be held responsible.

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