Friday, July 4, 2014

A portent for our European future

NOW HERE IS A PROPHECY. One which I will not be around to feel vindicated or ridiculed by. The world in 2050 (or there about), will no longer have a Jewish state; and a Europe of nation states will have also vanished.
            What it will have is far greater conflict than we see even today. The continent of Europe will face internal unrest and a perilous external threat from Islamism. America, sick of propping-up European defences and being despised by Europe in the face of such protection; will be self-sufficient in oil and gas; and will have little sympathy for the problems of the Middle East especially after Israel's 'disappearance' from all atlases.
             Europe will be a continent in turmoil unable to defend itself from any external military force. NATO without America will not exist, because it will pose no threat to Europe's enemies without such a contribution. As with the 5th century Roman retreat from Europe; the American's paraphrasing Rome, declare that ' the cantons must look to themselves.'
             Throughout Europe pockets of armed resistance to federalism will compete with European Muslims, to overthrow the centre of European power in Brussels. The former to re-establish a continent of self-governing nation states; while the latter will seek to establish a European caliphate. You think this barmy? Then read on.
              The best and brightest will eventfully smell the coffee; and because they have the skills America and the East need, will try to migrate. Their future, as well as America's ,will no longer be concerned with their Atlantic boarders; but its focus will have turned to the Pacific regions. Europe will be as unstable as it was at any time in the 19th and early to mid-twentieth century's.
               In the Middle East; the exodus of the Jews from Israel (or those Jews that remain after the Palestinian 'retribution') will not bring peace to the region. Palestinian will fight Palestinian, Hamas will fight Fata for ultimate power. But it will become a side issue in the Muslim world where Europe will, (not for the first time in its history) become the prize for Muslims. But this time Islam will probably have 20 million migrant European Muslims or more to aid in the conquest, who will, like a lion who selects a by now feeble prey - attack.
             Europe will be the weak prey of Muslim ambition. The demographics will have changed sufficiently enough in the Muslim's favour to give them the confidence to rise up against an effete and degenerate Europe.
             The West generally are in decline. Democracy, the corner stone of Western thinking, would have already been abandoned within a Federal Europe.  It was one of its earlier emperors, Peter Mandelson, who once describe the coming of European Federalism as the post democratic age.  
              As with Britain during the Viking incursions ; danegeld will be offered by the United States of Europe to the invaders. Now weak militarily, it is all Federal Europe can do as province after province falls in the East and are challenged in Iberian peninsula. The Billions of euro's that have been spent on the thousands of Russian and American mercenaries to help disguise the continent's military weakness are proving insufficient.
             Young Northern Europeans remain complacent. All that seems to matter to them is a good time, legalised drugs and retro 1950's rock and roll. They fight their wars using 3D game consoles. The northern provinces will remain relatively safe for the time being. Wealth is still in abundance, and trade with the world still healthy. The Markets have divided the  Federal Union into two parts, north and south.
              In the north the provinces of one time nations such as Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, and the UK; as well as the Nordic regions, are all still prospering. However what armies they have, have been sent to what was once southern France to try and defend against the Iberian incursion, while others are sent to protect Germany's eastern border. Each day private wealth is being deposited from the northern provinces into London banks in the hope that the  Federal Channel will keep them safe.
            There is talk in the Federal parliament in Brussels of setting the southern and eastern federation's 'free' - in other words forget about them: concentrating on putting all the federation's resources into protecting the still economically healthy North: which has yet to feel the impact of those seeking a European Caliphate.
             Like America, Russia faces little threat from Islam. She has used her gas and oil recourses wisely, and developed and modernised her military power - even at the expense of the nation's social programmes. On top of which the Muslim world knows that Russia is a different kettle of fish from the European Federation.
              They know from Russia's history that in terms of ruthlessness they can match them measure for measure. Besides, unlike Europe, Russia is a nation state, whose people are motivated into defending it at all cost; and in the Second World War, as we know, the cost was very great indeed. The Russian conscience when it comes to defending the motherland, does not exist, only doing what is necessary to repel an invader matters.
              America still under stands this principal and the Islamic world possess no threat to it. Great Britain under Churchill understood the same principle when allied bombers rained their bombs down on German cities killing hundreds of thousands of civilians. Under the command of Bomber Harris; who in 2030 was declared a war criminal by the European Parliament and his statue in the Strand taken down.
             On that very day the West finally lost its will to fight and to engage in military conflict to such degree to save the Federal Union - it would have been different if we had still been a nation. But we threw that option away and indoctrinated generations into European liberal idealism; which was sadly bought into.

             We deserve our fate.

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