AS THE PRE-EMINENT Marxist; it was Karl himself who
proclaimed that history repeats itself
"…first as tragedy, then as farce." But the latest
manifestation of the past may not include gas chambers, or human skin being
made into lampshades; or the wholesale rape before death of thousands of women.
what has been going on throughout Europe since the events in Gaza; gives a
soupcon of what took place on the continent of Europe in the 1930s. Today
anti-Semitism; and I do mean anti-Semitism;
and not that cowardly and illegitimate sibling, christened anti-Zionism – that
wretched mask for closeted anti-Semites all over the world.
digital media outlets have filled our HD flat-screen televisions, i-pads,
i-pods, and all the social media gadgetry, with images coming out of Gaza;
whose harvesting represents what I call porno-journalism where, a sympathetic,
and on the whole pro-Palestinian bias operates, and which is willing to bare witnesses
to whatever Hamas wishes them to see.
something else has gone unseen (in our UK media at least). It has been the
resurrection of a virulent strain of anti-Semitism, that has lain dormant and
waiting to emerge. It has now done so in European cities, such as Berlin,
Essen, Paris, and Italy. In Berlin[1],
police had to step in to protect a Jewish couple who had been spotted by
demonstrators who "charged toward them",[2]
shouting "Jew! We’ll get you!"
In Paris
synagogues were attacked. The windows of shops and cafes were attacked and
several set alight; which included a kosher grocery store that burnt to the
ground. In the German city of Essen synagogues was attacked and 14people
arrested. And according to Justin Huggler: "There
have been reports of protestors in Germany chanting 'Jews to the gas chambers',
and police in Berlin have banned protestors from using another popular slogan:
'Jew, Jew, cowardly pig, come out and fight alone' ."
other words, under our very eyes; but we are not allowed to see the events on
our television screens; a mini Kristallnacht was under-way and most of us in this country were just as unenlightened about these events as
our ancestors were well before the digital age when the death camps were
operating between 1940-45 in Europe.
No doubt the vast majority of these
protesters did not belong to the indigenous populations of these countries –
especially in Germany, who had learnt its lesson long ago: I therefore suspect
that the vast majority of those responsible were Muslims who were allowed to
take up citizenship throughout Europe, with a few white indigenous liberalista
standing by their side emoting for the Palestinians.
I do not think for one moment that the
indigenous German population took any kind of part in these acts of
anti-Semitism, and the same goes for the indigenous French. There are now over
15 million Muslims in residency within Europe, and Europe is paying a heavy
price in terms of their national and cultural identity.
Paying a heavy price because we have
made these Muslims citizens welcome to our continental soil; and what they do,
they now do in the name of Germany, France, Italy, Holland and the UK. Europe
has learnt from its past; but many of its Muslims are resurrecting the ancient
shibboleths surrounding the Jewish people such as the blood libel, an
antiquated, yet still believed in piece of black magic within the Muslim world,
where Jews sacrifice children not of their faith.
Despite all of this anti-Semitism,
Israel must this time finish the job it set out to do, and destroy the tunnels
and missiles aimed at it. It must not be drawn into a ceasefire whose
conditions give Hamas any kind of victory.
There should be no preconditions set upon a ceasefire. It is after such a
ceasefire that negotiations should be proceeded with, and not before.
Prime Minister Netanyahu admires Churchill and has his portrait
sitting in his office; just as once the White House did in the president's
office. Obama, however, had it removed [3]and returned to the
British Embassy in Washington, after he was first elected.
This is Netanyahu's Churchillian
moment. The moment when he stands to bare comparison with the great man. In
Churchill's time there was no talk of proportionality toward an enemy hell bent
upon the destruction of your nation – then, as it should be now, if you have an
advantage over an enemy that seeks your total annihilation, then use it to its
fullest to defeat the imposter that seeks your racial and national extinction;
which Hamas undoubtedly does the Jews.
I dearly hope that Israel persists
in squeezing Hamas until they cry out for a ceasefire. Israel has acted with
restraint wherever possible when it comes to civilian casualties; as they have
said time and time again. Hamas on the other hand lob missile after missile
amounting in number to over four digits into
Israel and not caring where they land, but hoping they kill as many Jews, men
women and children, as they can.
If it had not been for Iron Dome,
Hamas would have achieved their objective. But because Israel took measures
(unlike Hamas) to protect their people; they are now being criticised because
of the success in limiting their civilian deaths.
eruption of European anti-Semitism; and believe me it is only the latest
addition to a 2,000 year-old catalogue of such persecution throughout Europe
and the Middle East; and will not be the last. Israel will have to fight its
corner over and over again. But this will only have to happen in this case, if
they have to agree terms for a ceasefire insisted upon, primarily by America,
that award Hamas a victory. A victory whose template will be used again and
again in the coming years.
Israel is without friends in the
Obama administration, and also, so it seems, in those country's within Europe
who also stopped flights to Ben Gurion airport. This decision had nothing to do
with flight MH17. There was no security risk in landing or taking off from Ben
Gurion; for why else would the US Secretary of State, John Kerry land at the
same airport today?
The closing of the airport was
nothing more than the act of an anti-Israeli president and his butler (John Kerry)
seeking to isolate Israel; in the hope of making it come to a ceasefire on
Hamas's terms. Thus giving this archetypical terrorist group – acknowledged as
such by the UN, America, and Europe, what it seeks; an advantage over Israel
before it agrees a ceasefire from. Hamas now says that there will only be a
ceasefire when Israel agrees to end the blockade of Gaza.
This is where I believe Netanyahu
should show Churchillian resolve and tell the wretched Kerry that Israel will
not surrender to Obama's threats. For that is what they are. He should tell
Kerry that he intends, this time, to see Hamas brought down, and if, because of
the Obama administration, obstacles are put in Israel's way to make this
impossible. Then. If Israel drowns, the vortex it will create will drag the
West down with it - as it should.
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