COMMENTATORS HAVE WORKED themselves up into a frenzy
of emotional turmoil over how to react to Vladimir Putin since Flight MH17 was
brought down with such catastrophic consequences.
was not only the shooting down, but how and why the bodies were treated and the
way the crime scene was abused with such indifference by Russian separatists
which has increased the fury of Western journalists toward Putin. But then when
you are impotent to act, all that is left is blind fury; not only toward the villain
of the peace but toward Europe who have refused to take any real measures to
punish Putin. Frustration has been the navigator of the presses keyboards; with
each commentator trying to outdo the other to pour scorn on Europe for failing
to act.
in his usual way of seeking a praiseworthy headline, joined in by challenging
Europe to make a further stand against this modern Tsar Ivan. He demanded ever
greater sanctions against Russia exceeding those that had taken place after
Russia took back the Crimea. He elevated himself to become Putin's nemesis,
imploring and cajoling his European partners to stiffen their spines, and bring
Putin to his knees.
the situation was not so grave; Cameron's hypocritical performance, as leader
of a much diminished nation; which is now taken very little notice of in the
world, would be comedic (be it of a black nature). No sooner had he made
demands of his European allies, than we learnt of our own arms industry's provisions
to Russia: which had followed the exposure of France's contractual obligation
to provide Russia's modern tsar with two helicopter carriers, one of which was
paid for and due for delivery. The French had not only the right, but the
obligation to deliver on its contract.
BOTH GERMANY AND FRANCE had made themselves
obligated , on a near wholly depended reliance upon Russian energy supplies.
Neither nation seemed to fear Russia or Putin's governance of it before
agreeing to such a reliance. Even the UK welcomed the Russian oligarch's
billions, and the migration of Russian billionaires on to London's premiere
street codes, buying up properties and herding out the poorer residents of
Sloane Square (that dominated the 1980s) into parts of Fulham no less.
own great and good have also enjoyed the indulgences of Russian oligarchs, such
as Peter Mandelson and David Owen to name but two. Our former politicians have
cashed in on the bounty on offer. Putin's face must distort itself into an
expression of contempt when he hears David Cameron trying to act the principled
strong man, a pitiful specimen who has allowed his armed forces to become
dilapidated at the expense of oversees aid; and renders any such convincing
military option to himself, obsolete.
sanctions will not work. The Russian people have learnt to survive the barren
diet of living under Tsars, Commissars, and the rape by Nazism. Why do you
think it was that the Russian separatists showed little respect for the bodies
of Flight MH17? Because once put under threat, as was the Soviet Union from the
Nazis, and seeing for themselves what could be done to humanity, and brought up
to understand what could be expected from the Tsars, Communists, and Nazis, the
Russian people adapted to suffering. During the Second World War 21,800,000
to 28,000,000 died fighting
Nazism. This does include the millions of others sent to the Gulags, who
eventually met a similar fate under Stalin
No other country on this planet has
suffered the kind of suffering Russia had to endure under the years of Soviet
Flight MH17 was a
mistake. It was probably not even targeted properly but assumed to have been a
Ukrainian transporter carrying soldiers; as had happened in the days before when
such a military transporter was hit, killing 45 Ukrainian soldiers who were
being delivered to the east of Ukraine to tackle Russian separatists.
THIS CONFLICT, and the West's response, may become
far more serious for Europe than any Gazan distraction – and I do not mean this
cruelly regarding innocent Palestinians on the Gaza Strip. The EU is
expansionist by nature and sought to include eastern European nations once
under the Soviet hegemony to become part of their own European hegemony
the appalling nature of Putin; he set himself against his boarders being
challenged by the EU. Which is exactly what has been done by the expansionist
EU. It was the EU itself that set this ball rolling; and before it is brought
to a stop I fear many thousands of lives will be brought to a summery end on
both sides.
now read that 1,300 British troops are being sent to Poland in response to Putin's
behaviour. It is a meagre and pitiful response, but one associated with a
country that has pared down its own national defences to such an extent that it
is building two aircraft carriers that will have no aircraft to take off from -
unless they are French: and one of the carriers, once completed may even be
sold off – what a pathetic excuse for a national defence.
must be laughing at such a pitiful offering from a once great military nation,
if, that is, he has even noticed the Ministry of Defences announcement of it.
Our politicians are seen as stand-up comics by the likes of Putin. He is almost
daily entertained by either our prime minister or Foreign Secretary boasting on
the world stage. Believing themselves still believing in this country punching
above its weight. When in fact, they are an embarrassment to the country.
was Douglas Hurd, who as Foreign Secretary, first used this "punching
above our weight" aphorism. It was embarrassing then and it is even more
so now. The trouble is our Foreign Office is only as influential as our armed
forces capabilities allows; and these are meagre thanks to the Cameron
government preferring the ring fencing of foreign aid over the nation's defence.
RUSSIA IS INCREASING its defence budget by £400 billion
over the next five years; while Europe has decreased its own defence spending,
and lacks the ambition to increase it; probably because of its reliance on the
USA for its defences.
in five or so years time Russia will be militarily more powerful than the
Europhile's Greater Europe. America, by now self-sufficient in its energy needs
through fracking, will no longer require a dependence on the Arab world for its
oil. America will also see no purpose in remaining in Europe, especially as the
USA is so despised among European nations, for delivering them from the Nazis.
AMERICA WILL turn to the Pacific region for its
trade, and will continue to prosper; while Europe continues on with its
decline; but without the protection of America. European nations have despised
the so-called Anglo-Saxon economic agenda which included the USA.
must remove its military might from Europe. Europe, while despising America,
has relied upon its military protection. America's military removal from Europe
is the only way that Europe will see that its own military budgets have to increase
to defend the continents people. But what's the betting that such a lesson will
go unlearned?
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