Sunday, August 3, 2014

Hamas are the murderers of their own people

HAMAS DOES NOT want, or seek a two-state solution to the Israel/Palestinian crises. Their own constitution makes this quite clear; its website is a toxic wasteland of Hebrewphobes. Hamas sees the Jews in racist terms - in anti-Semitic terms. They do not want to live alongside the Jews, but, given the opportunity would willingly murder everyone of them in their beds and see it as ridding the Middle east of a deadly virus.
            One way or another Hamas wants what they consider to be vermin to disappear from their portion of the atlas. It cannot be any clearer to any sane person that this is their sole purpose; it was the main reason they broke from Fata and Abbas - they no longer believed in the two-state solution
            Yet the West, even those calling themselves allies of Israel, still play the silly game of a two-state solution with Hamas. It is wishful thinking and will never happen. It is an intellectually barren 'solution'  As far as Hamas are concerned their 'solution' is either driving out or cutting the throats of the Israelis.
            Israel's only possible action is to protect itself from Hamas in order to keep itself in existence. The only time Israel ever attacked first was done pre-emptively in the Six Day War in 1967. Ever since the founding of the state of Israel, the Jews have sought only to hang on to the small strip of land they call home. A home they found covered only in sand from which they built an oasis; a fertile land, and a modern successful economy. Its high-tech industry is in demand throughout the world. They invented Iron Dome, and designed their houses and cities to accommodate underground bunkers that their population could retreat into when attacked, saving thousands of lives in the process.
            Of the billions of pounds that have been poured into Gaza, not a single penny seems to have been spent by Hamas on any similar protection for Gaza's Palestinian civilians. They preferred rockets and tunnels, and to use their own people as human shields to discredit and make Israel the villains  –  after all this Israel is still seen as the aggressors by many in the liberal West.

ISRAEL HAS TO continue to uncover and destroy the network of tunnels that are the vehicle for Hamas terrorists to infiltrate and murder Israeli civilians. They also have to destroy as many of the rockets targeting its citizens as they can.
             Israel does not expect to destroy Hamas, although if the opportunity occurred both Netanyahu and Abbas would be dancing a jig. No, Israel, as she has always had to do, is to buy time where she can continue in peace and prepare for the next battle, when once more  she will be required to protect the nation. This is the price the Israeli state has to pay for its existence. In this sense the Israeli's are like the ancient Spartans, surrounded by enemies who treated them with a mixture of fear and contempt. Israel has been forced to become a military society, continually under threat from the Arab and Persian world.
             Unlike the British, French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, and the Belgian colonialists, the Jews are not empire builders. Israel just wants peace; and if Hamas said tomorrow that it would halt all military activity against Israel, then, with the proviso that Israel could continue with its dismantling of tunnels, this conflict would end  - until the next time.
            Israel knows that the existence of a Jewish state would require great sacrifice on behalf of its people if it was to eventually  succeed. In this strange and peculiar sense (and I do not mean to trample on the sacrifices the Israelis have made in this conflict) the Israeli army will be the stronger for Hamas's latest stupidity.
            The IDF will be the stronger for this conflict as all victorious armies are who overcome an enemy. Hamas thought that if they managed to kill a dozen or so IDF soldiers, the Israeli population would succumb, and Netanyahu would be forced to withdraw Israel from Gaza, and even lift the embargo on Gaza.
             The Spartans were brought up to be warriors and each war kept them proficient; and sadly the Israelis are having to tread the same path to peace, if not happiness.

HAMAS EXPLOITES the weakness of the Western politicians by using Gaza's wretched population as a weapon in the media war: which the Western media are all too willing and eager to comply with; and thus puts pressure on Western politicians like the hopeless Clegg, and especially the abject Milliband, who puts his political career before his Jewish ancestry in order to rule over a nation well into its pitiful decline.
             It is both pathetic and contemptible for a Jew to put his political career before his own ancestry – especially considering his own peculiar history of persecution; reflected in his own father's experience of such persecution from the Nazis.
             Hamas, as far as the Jews are concerned, are the offspring of Nazism. Yet this cruel amoral organisation are either supported or, rather embarrassingly, sniffed at by the Left, preferring to ignore them and concentrate upon the civilian casualties in Gaza.
             Israel has only one option regarding Hamas – to oppose it. If in doing so Hamas uses its people in Gaza as a weapon in the struggle to rid the Middle East of the Jews, then so be it. Hamas believes that every Muslim death secured in overcoming the infidel will be martyred. So every Gazan civilian caught up in the current conflict are potential martyrs, and Hamas sees nothing wrong in delivering them up to such a martyrdom especially if it means overcoming the Jews and using the Western media, in its ambition to destroy Israel.

ISRAEL MUST STAND FAST. Only when its objectives are realised should she end this latest conflict, but one which will not turn out to be the final battle against Hamas. Israel has to plough a hard, and at times barren field. It has to continue to do so for the sake of the Jewish race. Israel has nothing to apologise for. The nation's people have no need for contrition regarding the sad deaths of civilians in Gaza…if contrition is needed, then Hamas has to supplicate itself before Allah; not the Israeli's before Jehovah.  



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