Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Warsi has finally played her hand

BARONESS WARSI has resigned from the government over her government's position on the ongoing crises in Gaza; describing it as 'morally indefensible'. She has also said she supports the government on the economy but when it comes to foreign policy, she is a Muslim (which begs many questions).
           I believe I am a moral person. I am 64, and of an age where I was taught right from wrong by my parents. My morality is pretty unsophisticated having never been to university to study the Greats. As far as moral philosophy is concerned, I tucked into the Penguin classics in the 1970s, and what little I understand of philosophy was self-taught, and probably, as a result, I absorbed a lot of inaccuracies in my understanding. Bertrand Russell's History of Western Philosophy was a task, but an enjoyable one to complete, although, to be fair, moral philosophy seemed far more complicated than most everyday circumstance require.
            For instance, Baroness Warsi accuses her party leader's approach to what is happening in Gaza as morally indefensible: implying that the prime minister himself was in some way immoral for the stand he made – it may have been cowardly regarding his limited support for Israel, but it was not in any way immoral.
            While the Western media rampaged throughout Gaza once the Israelis were forced into a ground incursion, the media images of suffering became almost pornographic; and you began to question the motives of the journalists infestation of Gaza. If anyone has had a damoclean sword of immorality hovering above their heads, then it the Western media have – as they always have whenever Israel take any responsive action against Hamas.
             It has for instance, taken an Indian television crew, to capture the first footage of Hamas preparing and launching rockets in a heavily populated part of Gaza – download this   https onto your browser to watch the footage: ttps://
            But back to the baroness's resignation. It is being reported that the lower echelons of the Foreign Office support her in her decision. I believe that this report is being disingenuous to the rest of the Foreign Office. The higher-ups, the higher echelons, and the diplomatic grandees; have always been Arabist in outlook and anti-Semitic by prejudice, as have been large parts the British establishment for centuries leading up to the Second World War.
            Warsi may, in the coming days, add to her Twitter announcement and expand upon what she considers to be the immoral act by her prime minister. The Baroness is herself a Muslim of Pakistani origin, and being an important (establishment wise) figure will be praised to the rafters for what she considers to be her moral position.
             I do not wish to go into the history of this conflict. But just into the events of this current fracas leading to such a tragic loss of Palestinian civilians, as opposed to their terrorist  overseers on the Gaza strip.

HAMAS HAD UNLEASHED hundreds of rockets into Israel, before Israel was drawn into its response. It seemed as if Hamas were deliberately taunting Israel into making such a response, and using their own people as human shields. Israel understood this, and only responded after three young Israeli men were taken and killed in such a brutal way by Hamas, or Hamas supporters. There then followed a revenge attack upon some Palestinian youths who shared the same brutal fate with what they would have considered to be their enemies.
            Israel caught and arrested those murderers who killed those Palestinians. But as we know, one thing led to another. After the deaths of the Palestinians, Hamas stepped up its rocket attacks on Israel. This led Israel with no option but to responded. It called up its reservists and waited. Israel, because of the grip Hamas has over the Western media and its concerns for its own servicemen and women, were reluctant to launch a ground incursion. But the greater punch now being delivered from Hamas's rockets, and incursions into Israel by Hamas through their tunnels forced Israel's hand; and they went into Gaza.
             Has this scenario been part of Baroness Warsi's decision to resign? Did she use this scenario in her calculations when resigning? She probably did, using what the Left refer to as  'disproportionate' response by the Israeli's as an excuse, for it is all it was. Proportionality is a barren argument to follow through with when a nation is being attacked. The nation being attacked uses all the power it has at its convenience to deter or destroy its enemy - proportional responses have no part whatsoever to play. When your nation is set upon, you do what is needed to continue its survival – this is the true meaning of being morally defensible
             I mentioned above that I am 64 years-old. You may ask what relevance this has. Well I will tell you. In the Second World War, any suggestion of  proportionality between combatants would leave the respondents to such a suggestion scratching their heads.
             Disproportionality ruled. It ruled when Nazi Germany through, its Blitzkrieg helped carve up Europe and bring it into the Greater German fold. Cities were bombed by the Nazis as far back as 1937 when Germany 'disproportionately' bombed Guernica. It happened in France, Holland, Poland, and Czechoslovakia.
             Churchill would have feigned incredulity, in a comic sense, if we were told that we had to respond proportionally to the advancement of Nazism throughout Europe.

PROPORTIONALITY has no place in war; especially when a nation is fighting for its survival - as is Israel. It is Baroness Warsi who has to question her actions, not David Cameron. Israel has continued to do what she has always done to keep the Jewish homeland safe, and it will continue. The Jews are going nowhere. For 2,000 they were kicked from pillar to post wherever they settled within the Diaspora, and without the ability to kick back. A Jewish homeland gave them that ability; and if they end up fighting their aggressors with nothing more than bows and arrows, they will still stand fast as a people.

BARONESS WARSI said that when it comes to foreign policy, she is a Muslim. So if at some time in the future, she prefers her loyalty to her religion above her British citizenship; what happens when Islamism threatens the UK? The baroness would probably say that she is as much against Islamism as any UK citizen.
            If so, what does she think Hamas is, if not Islamist? Hamas is an Islamist terrorist organisation recognised as such by the UN, EU, and America. Hamas are Muslims. Hamas wishes to see the extermination of Israeli Jewry; and if they had it within their power, all Jews throughout the world as the Nazis once thought they had.
            Cameron has nothing to apologise for regarding Warsi's resignation. Warsi will no doubt be lorded by the liberal media establishment for her courageous and self-sacrificing 'moral' stand, and in doing so will hope to embarrass David Cameron. She will, in the coming days, no doubt, be invited to perform on the media; a media inducted into multiculturalism, and already receptive to an anti-Israeli bias; which the good baroness will be eager to subscribe to.
             It is not the Palestinian people of Gaza, or the Israelis that are responsible for the distressing position the Gazan civilians find themselves in. It is Hamas and only Hamas that bares the full responsibility for the current state of its people in Gaza. There are to be no ifs or buts…only Hamas is to blame for their peoples suffering in Gaza. All Israel did was to try and keep her people safe, as she has always done- and will do in future …Israel is going nowhere.


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