Monday, August 25, 2014

Lord Carey speaks for those living outside of the London bubble

“In Britain's hospitable establishment different beliefs were welcomed but only one was preeminent - Christianity. The fact is that for too long the doctrine of multiculturalism has led to immigrants establishing completely separate communities in our cities. This has led to honour killings, female genital circumcision and the establishment of sharia law in inner-city pockets throughout the UK.” Lord Carey

THE SENTIMENTS in the Lord Carey quote above are welcome. The ideology of multiculturalism has proven a disaster; but I fear Lord Carey should have said what he is now saying when he was Archbishop of Canterbury. I remember reading of one of multiculturalisms founding disciples, the late Roy Jenkins, having second thoughts about the wisdom of this ideology on the social fabric of the country in his later years.
            Like communism, socialism, and fascism; multiculturalism emerged from the vault of  political idealism, as did European federalism. In all of these cases the followers meant, and still mean well. They all looked to a better kinder world - yes, even the Nazis, because by eliminating their political enemies, like the socialist, communists and democrats, they believed they had a utopian blueprint for a better world that required it.
            Multiculturalism is such a blueprint. It believes in a society of the culturally diverse living in harmony[1] and each tolerating the other's cultures. Like all such utopian dream worlds born from the purest of  motives to do the best for mankind, reality intrudes; human nature intrudes. Soon it is not so simple as the simple minds thought it would be.
            This is where political correctness and the dreaded hate crime were included in  multiculturalism's annotation, to dampen any opposition to the intended perfect harmony. It is multiculturalism's way of disciplining opponents of its ideology. Instead of trying to eliminate racism, they have not only managed to breed a silent antipathy among the white indigenous working class – but also among the other cultures for each other. Pakistanis for Indians; Indians for Pakistanis; Afro Caribbean's for Africans; Indians for Afro Caribbean's - some melting pot.
             Political idealism is a poison, and in the 20th century it managed to eliminate hundreds of millions of humanity in its pursuance. Those who seek to find ways of changing human nature, usually only end up, practising its worse aspects in trying to change it; and without success.

TO BE FARE TO the former Archbishop of Canterbury, if he said the things he is now saying when he oversaw the Anglican Church, he would have no doubt been jumped upon as a racist and a disgrace to his office; especially by New Labour under whose governance he partly served. But whatever government; if the noble Lord had expressed himself in terms that I have quoted above at the time of his residence, he would have fallen foul of political correctness and be seen as either requiring instant dismissal - or an exorcism under Roman rules.
            It is the architects of multiculturalism that have reduced this nation; it is also the believers in such an endeavour that will have also added to this nation's eventual fall. There can be harmony between nations, who can form alliances between each other, as there always have been. This has been the pragmatic way forward between nations and peoples for centuries. Pragmatism does not promise eternal peace for the world which political idealism attempts to do, but makes a studious attempt at keeping the peace between nations as the only possible way forward, as it had been done for almost a thousand years.
             In Europe, it appears, this was never good enough. Peace in Europe demands that the continent be divided into provinces to replace the nation states, and each province sub-divided into regions - the European federal ideal.

MULTICULTURALISM  is just the latest figment of an idealists imagination. It is sad how we seem to try to create new political isms which usually end in, materially speaking, the most horrendous of consequences for the human beings whose lives they are meant to improve.
            Lord Carey is right. He may however be too late after his decision to speak out after his retirement. For the multiculturalism bandwagon has now moved on, and it cannot be stopped. Indeed, there is no enthusiasm among the political classes for it to be brought to a halt. Multiculturalism still carries much weight within the liberal hegemony and they are not prepared to see their child suffocated.
            But, suffocate it is a must. Henry Kissinger has been quoted as saying that he can envisage a time when Paris is surrounded by Gaza strips. France has twice as many Muslims living among them as we do in the UK, and we can see how this fact made a major contribution to the waves of anti-Semitism that has erupted since Israel's Operation Protective Edge in  Gaza. But it was not the indigenous French people who partook in these assaults on shops and synagogues, but France's Muslim population.
            It would be none PC to highlight the Muslim contribution to these attacks, so the media did not mention it (at least here in the UK). French Muslims are French, British Muslims are British. Their cultures are as important and equal to that of the indigenous populations' within multiculturalism. But the anti-Semitic stain will spread to the indigenous population when the history of these events is written.
            Lord Carey has at least shown the courage his predecessor and his successor lacks when it comes to multiculturalism. His message will be heard and cause, if only in a meagre, some rethinking among the liberals.


[1] Some of you may remember that old Coke advert from the 1970s. The one built around the song , 'I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony.' 

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