ON AUGUST 21st Israel killed three of Hamas's senior
commanders; this followed an attack on the home of Mohammed Deif, Hamas's
commander-in-chief, killing his wife and daughter, and leaving him to continue
to prowl the seedy depths of terrorism[1].
the deaths of the three Hamas commanders, Mohammed
Abu Shammala, Raed al-Attar and Mohammed Barhoum, were to prove adequate
compensation for Mohammed Deif's survival. Israel are targeting Hamas's senior
operatives and leaders. The gloves are now off. What would have been considered
by the liberal West as political assassinations can no longer, after this
latest conflict, be regarded as such. The Hamas leadership have now become
legitimate targets, and Mossad have them in their sights and will eventually,
as the Hamas leadership knows, eventually kill them.
panic, Hamas has put to death 18 of what they call 'Israeli agents'. Let there
be no doubt, panic has set in within the Hamas leadership: they are feeling the
heat, and are not, or ever will be, ready to face martyrdom on behalf of their
people; which is why they hide themselves away in Gaza's hospitals.
have, however, herded their people into martyrdom by using them as human
shields. The Hamas leadership , and only the Hamas leadership, are the real
killers of their people. They cower, either in hospitals within Gaza or in
Doha, while the very people they represent are being used as pawns in the
greater Palestinian game – the means, it seems, according to Hamas's
calculations, justify the ends.
comes news that the Fata leader President
Mahmoud Abbas,
has called upon Israel to join in further negotiations to solve the current
impasse. The tone was desperate. Egypt would once more provide the negotiating
arena. Israel was waiting for such a pronouncement but not so soon and were
prepared to continue with such assassinations of the Hamas leadership. To save face, Hamas had
asked the Fata President Mahmoud Abbas to
arrange the negotiations.
was determined that Hamas should once more, not turn an obvious defeat into a
victory. What Israel's response will be after a four-year-old Israeli boy was
killed by Hamas mortars will be, I do not know. But the mere fact that Abbas,
under a face saving instruction from Hamas, now seeks further negotiation and puts
Israel in charge.
ISRAEL WILL HAVE no better chance
to finish off Hamas than they now have. Will they yet again allow themselves to
be reined in by the West; only once more to be faced with the same dilemma, and
the further sacrifice of Israeli lives in two or three years from now, as they
acquiesce once more in their so-called American allies 'instructions'.
Since the election of president Obama, Israel seems
to have forfeited its reliance upon the USA. Obama and his anti-Israeli
Secretary of State, John Kerry have been in the forefront of anti-Zionism - be it out of the ears of the American public.
They both believe that Israel are the oppressors of the Palestinians and will
do whatever they can to aid this cause despite historical evidence to the
Democrat government in the USA have little sympathy for Israel, but dare not
openly expound it (except when caught off camera doing so[2]).
All American governments, whether Republican or Democrat, have rightly proved
generous allies of Israel in the past. But as far as the current administration
is concerned; it does all it dare do to support the Palestinians without
incurring a backlash, not only from the Republican Party, but from within the
pro-Israel lobby within its own, led by Hillary Clinton.
has to be marginalised among their Palestinian supporters in Gaza; if not, and
because Israel is to be once more reined in by the West: then we will once more
revisit the current situation in one or two years time, and add to the further
suffering among the Gazan civilians whenever Hamas regards it as to their
benefit to strike out at Israel once again; in the belief that the world will
once more take their side after Israel's 'Pillar of Defence' incursion in 2012,
which was also brought about by Hamas's rockets.
time Israel tries to defend itself (and all its military operations have been defensive since the War of Independence
in1948), the West intervenes with the liberal injunction of 'proportionality'. That
pitiful human rights concoction that does more harm than good to the Gazan
Palestinian people's cause regarding Hamas - the peoples ruthless puppeteer.
so-called impartial Western media joins in the spirit of anti-Israeli bigotry.
Once the state of Israel engages with Hamas in Gaza, particularly through land
incursion, the Western media orders its journalist into attack mode. In the
latest incursion the Israelis have allowed the Western media access to Gaza,
and they have paid the price.
THE ISRAELI'S have never been given
a fair shake by the so-called 'impartial' Western media. Western journalism and
its ethos of impartiality seems to have taken a back seat when it comes to the
state of Israel and the Palestinian cause.
is a belief that UK foreign journalists, because of their educational
background and training, are perfectly at ease with the anti-Israeli bias, when
it comes to the Palestinians; and this has been the case for over three
is even a higher educational bias against Israel in our universities, some of
whom will not allow Israeli academics to speak or lecture on their campuses. The
liberal hegemony has long set their sights against an Israeli state, although
they will tell you they believe in a two-state solution – but without telling
you how they can convince Hamas into accepting the existence of a Jewish state
in the first place.
Hamas must be eliminated, not literally of course, but weakened into such a
state that their followers in Gaza no longer have confidence in them and no
longer fear them, because of the Israeli action taken.
and Gaza's Palestinians must accept whatever stems from their democratic
decision, just as those who elect a government in the West have to do. In Gaza
Hamas was the people's choice, and the people won.
Gazan Palestinian people, even after all they have suffered under Hamas's rule;
they will still nevertheless wallow in their subservience to the false God
known as Hamas. Such a God will incur much further suffering upon the Gazan
Palestinians but, all the same, they will still allow themselves to be used as
Hamas's sacrificial offerings. So what is Israel to do?
has to continue on its current path. Perhaps it is the Jewish state's manifest
destiny to continue to defend itself while still managing to engineer a prospering
economy from Muslim antipathy. Israel must not, however, bend to the West. The
West, I am sad to say, are, at this moment in time, without a spine when it
comes to the Islamic world – appeasement after appeasement, it seems, is the
order of the day and this includes Israel's primary enemy.
feel for Israel because of the spinelessness of her so-called Western
'supporters', especially in Europe; who, having allowed some 15 million Muslims
to live within the continent; and are now afraid to challenge their obvious anti-Semitism.
The European demographics are tilting
toward Islam, and as they grow stronger, multiculturalism will be furthest from
their mind.
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