Friday, October 28, 2011


OFFICIAL FIGURES HAVE confirmed what Migration Watch UK and other concerned people already knew. The population of the UK will increase to 74 million by 2043. The yearly increase of 491,000 over the next decade compares with that of a city the size of Leeds. After years of denial by the previous government, whose immigration policies will account for this increase, the truth has now to be faced;  by 2043 our population will be greater than that of Germany.
            The pressure that such a yearly increase will have on our social infrastructure will lead to rationing of services and further resentment by the indigenous population. At a time when we are already suffering the burden of cuts to welfare, our armed forces, education, and the NHS (everything in fact apart from oversees’ aid), we will have the added burden of the fastest continued growth of our population since the 1960s.
            There are two calamities that our so called statesmen have inflicted on their people over the past 30-years, and should have faced some kind of penalty of a far greater severity than being elevated to the House of Lords.
            The first debasement they inflicted upon their nation and its people, was to tie us ever closer to a federal union with Europe: and secondly, they allowed unlimited immigration to take place and invented the ideology of Multiculturalism in order to strengthen the influx. Multiculturalism was the reprehensible response by the guilt ridden liberals within all parties who felt they had to make amends for our colonial past – a past that did more good than harm; but nevertheless, still did harm.
            On top of which we are obliged to accept the migrants from those corners of the world that were part of other European colonies. For instance, Portugal and France have allowed, like the UK, members of their former colonies to become Portuguese and French citizens. Which in turn means citizens of Europe, including the UK.
WE HAVE BEEN ILL-SERVED by our politicians in the UK. They have continuously perjured themselves when talking of  UK immigration - by denying that such a vast influx was ever taking place.
            Our overseers: those who we expect to protect our nation and its shores, have badly let us, the people of the UK, down; while we as a people, have just sat back and allowed our elected representatives to devise our future on our behalf without any kind of dissent.
            Eighty per cent of the people of  Britain (and this is a conservative estimate)  support an anti-immigration policy. Such people are not supporters of the BNP but are the indigenous people of the UK, who have instinctively known what the elected  politicians have  always refused to acknowledge – that the UK cannot allow unlimited immigration  without fermenting, at some point,  civil conflict.           It is not racism to want to keep your identity, culture, and nationality. The British people have seen their indigenous culture debased by Multiculturalism, and their patriotism described as xenophobia. We are, to use Margaret Thatcher’s words, “being swamped” by immigrants and steered toward becoming a county council within a Greater Europe.
            When space runs out in our towns and cities; it will be toward the country side that our politicians will turn for the expansion that an increase  in our population of 491,000 per year over the next decade, will require.
THERE IS A GENERAL belief that our politicians are innately corrupt or corruptible. After the expenses scandal, in some almost pitiful cases amounting to mere pennies, there is little the British people do not think them capable of. But even before the expenses brouhaha our politicians fell short of their predecessors in terms of talent and ability.
            As someone who grew up in the era of politicians who carried the designation statesmen with a conviction based upon merit, I find its use today somewhat diminished by the lack of any such merit within the corridors of Westminster.
            Political commentators today regularly use the preferment when describing government ministers, both current and retired. They give ill-deserved kudos to such people because they themselves rely upon them for their living. Of the most supine are the lobby correspondents who fawn and fret their way into their company in order to receive the occasional headline that will hopefully enhance their reputation.
            In the instances of  immigration and Europe, our modern day politicians have acted with such great folly that they deserve their well-got reputation. All Conservatives (even those who supported immigration)  knew where the previous administration’s policy of unlimited immigration would lead us - but all, for different reasons, remained silent. As the Conservative party fought for the centre ground, they feared the Powell curse. But what made Powell worthy of the title statesman, is that he spoke truthfully to the British people on a subject that required great intelligence and courage to so do. He believed the issue of mass immigration was of such a threat to this country that he forfeited a promising political career in order to warn his people of its imminence.
            By maintaining their silence on the subject, Cameron’s Conservatives were as culpable for the unfolding tragedy as the previous government. They could have lanced the BNP boil by making immigration a legitimate subject for debate; they could have directed the British people to today’s official figures a decade ago; they could have done so because we all knew a-priori what unlimited mass immigration would lead to.
            But image and spin displaced debate within the Conservative Party, as it had already done with the creation of New Labour a decade earlier. Both of the main parties must share, if not equal, then at least some portion of responsibility for the mess they had created between themselves regarding immigration.
THERE IS NO INTELLECTUAL footprint that any of our party leaders can leave behind. They are  at the will of advisors, spin doctors, and image promoters. They care only for the next day’s headline and the pollsters magic art.
            It is as if, dare I say, they put their rise up the slippery political ladder before their country. Sometimes true statesmanship requires that you go against current orthodoxy and, like Powell, warn the people of any damage a particular policy will do to your country; even if the country rejects your stand and paint you as the pantomime villain.
            With immigration, the Conservatives bowed too, instead of facing up to their demons. But alas a lack of courage and a formidable thirst for power betrayed the interests of the indigenous population of the country their party was created to protect.
            As for Labour; they abandoned their core working class vote the very minute they achieved power under Tony Blair. It was Blair himself who sought to create a new, New Labour constituency from a mass immigration, grateful to New Labour and prepared to support them: and if the opposition raised so much as an eyebrow – that devilish word “racist” would be hurled in their direction.
            Thus guaranteeing  the silence of all opposition, New Labour began the influx, an influx that to this day continues apace without any kind of resolution because of the European Union’s objections to such a prohibition.

SO OUR POLITICIANS have stitched our indigenous population up “good and proper”. They have sold the very soul of our nation to what Barroso was happy to describe as a “European Empire”. They have compounded their folly by first of all allowing unlimited immigration into our country and, as a supplement, creating the ideology of Multiculturalism to seed its future growth.
            To proffer the title of statesman to any of those connected with the policy of either mass immigration or European Federalism, is like proffering a chimpanzee with human intelligence.
            Both Immigration and Europe have been the two subjects that have driven our people to, if not despair, then to an up to now unvoiced resentment. The clouds of racism, Multiculturalism, and Europeanization have been allowed to settle over our indigenous people for far too long and it is about time that their needs were finally acknowledged by those who seek to govern us.
            David Cameron, like many of his generation, seek this country’s admission and diminution to   county council status within a Federal Union within Europe. They see it as an historical inevitability only delayed by the euro crises.
            If the British people still value their nationhood then they must pressure their government, of whatever colour, to disband their attempt to absorb a once proud nation into becoming a mere canton of a greater Europe.

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