Friday, October 21, 2011


Trying to dragoon people on a three-line whip will cause a great deal of resentment within the party and leave the public – who support a referendum on Europe – completely mystified about what we stand for.’
Conservative MP Philip Davies

NEXT WEEK, there will be a debate and vote in the Commons on whether the people of this country should be given a chance to vote, through a referendum, on our future relationship, if any, within the European Union.
            The Conservative MP, David Nuttal has tabled the motion for debate, and a three line Whip, demanding that every Conservative backbencher votes against David Nuttal’s motion on penalty of having their whip withdrawn has been registered by No10.
            An e-petition had collected over 100,000 votes - this being the minimum number required for a parliamentary debate to be considered.
            The debate itself was meant to take place next Thursday, but has been brought forward to Monday because the Foreign Secretary, William Hague, would have been in Australia with the Queen next Thursday; but, as he wished to open for the government in the debate, it has now been brought forward.
            There is now talk of panic within the government as up to 58 MPs are expected to vote in favour of a referendum, which is in probability why the Foreign Secretary changed his arrangements for next week - in order to dissuade by rhetoric what the Whips will fail to do by threats.
            This debate has been a long time in coming and the politicians within all the parties should vote with their consciences and forgo their selfish ambitions for one day and think of their constituents, who want a chance to vote on their future. The people of this country want this vote. They were promised a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty by David Cameron before the last election only to see it disappear through a spin doctors sausage machine soon after.
            This time the politicians can help restore the public’s confidence in them by voting with their consciences. If not; if they are cowed by the Whips; if they bow to the promises of preferment and so oblige their leader; then the public will look for alternatives to the Conservatives when they come to vote next time. By then, considering its current disposition, the EU may have crept far enough up the public agenda to allow UKIP to prosper and the Conservatives to fail miserably.

MUCH ANIMOSITY was created within his own party and the country generally by David Cameron when he retracted his ill-varnished pledge to allow a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. This is why I, a lifelong Labour voter, voted Conservative at (then) 60 years of age. For I felt that our nationhood was at stake, and Cameron’s Lisbon pledge was all I needed to steer a different course from my lifelong voting habits.
            Between now and next Monday, what one senior Conservative has described as “panic” (according to the Daily Telegraph, no less) will beset No10 – a state of mind already acknowledged by the presence of the Foreign Secretary in the debate.
            Apparently, any referendum would offer the following questions on the ballot paper: first of all, that we should remain as we are; secondly, that we should vote to remain part of the EU, but only by negotiating the taking back of the many powers frittered away by our previous governments on their people’s behalf without a vote. Lastly, we can decide to leave altogether from the EU.
            The latter is my preferred option because it leaves us a free country with the ability to make our own laws (exempted from any other nation’s rebuke). Like children wearing Halloween masks, our leaders tell us that if we leave the EU, our economy will suffer the consequences. It is comparable to being warned off the bogeyman.
            In a free market system, trade rules; it is a two way process. We buy what we need and sell what others want to buy. If, like poor old Greece today, we have nothing worth selling, then, like Greece, we should indeed join the euro zone and leech from the more advantageous borrowing conditions that such a club offers - but will have to be paid for by the more advanced nations in Europe, i.e. Germany - when the whole pyramid finally collapses.
            If we in the UK left the EU, we would be free from all of the bureaucratic demands placed upon our economy. We would be free to prosper without any restriction upon such prosperity. We could once more look to our own parliament to make laws that would remain binding because our politicians could never undermine them by allowing them to be overruled by an outside agency. We would be in full control of our destiny as a sovereign people with the skills and ambitions to succeed.
            If there is something another European country wanted from us that we produce; then no anti-free trade strategy (for this is what it would amount to) by Europe, would stand in the way; and if there was something we, as a nation needed, there would be no European entrepreneur who would not be prepared to, through a sense of European idealism, refuse any trade in order to turn a profit and keep his employees and their families solvent.

NEXT WEEK’S VOTE is important for the British people. It gives them the only chance to win a referendum on our membership of the EU. Although Monday’s debate is just that, a debate; and the vote that follows is just that, a parliamentary vote with no obligation on the government to order a referendum were they to lose; it would however once more highlight how out of touch our party leaders are with both the people in the country, and their own back benches, who, if they vote in sufficient numbers for David Nuttal’s motion, will bring nearer the day when a referendum on our future within Europe becomes a reality.
            At the moment the political classes all over the European Union are out of touch with their people; whether they are Greeks, Spanish, Portuguese or Italian citizens; they have all been left to pay for the folly of their leaders in allowing such mismatched economies as theirs  to partake of a monetary union and, through cheap borrowing this allowed them, incur insupportable amounts of debt - debt that they must have known, they would not be able to repay.
            Meanwhile, the citizens of Germany are resentful of their political class because they are being asked to make the major contribution, through their hard earned taxes, to the bailing-out of southern Europe.
            The French people are also being asked to help with the bailout, despite the credit agencies starting to down grade their country’s rating.
            It is time to pause and reflect over the whole wretched experiment. Before our politicians dig us even deeper into this mess, the people have a democratic right to a voice on such a fundamental issue of national sovereignty and national independence. Monday’s debate and vote will hopefully make our leaders fearful of the political cost of not allowing a referendum at the next election.

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