Friday, March 23, 2012

Ms Ashton is not fit for purpose

BARONESS ASHTON, the EU foreign minister, was never up to the job in first place. Her appointment was thought strange at the time. Now we have her putting her foot in it over comments made over the deaths of Jewish children in Toulouse, and seeming to draw parallels with Israel’s attacks on Gaza and the deaths of Palestinian children. She made her remarks during a speech in Brussels, and has caused her to be rebuked by the Israeli defence minister Ehud Barak .
            I do not think Ms Ashton meant to make such an analogy, but she did merit a rebuke. Her offending remark does mix Gaza up with terrorist acts such as in Toulouse; ‘When we remember [she opines] young people who have been killed in all sorts of terrible circumstances – the Belgian children having lost their lives in a terrible tragedy and when we think of what happened in Toulouse, when we remember what happened in Norway a year ago, when we know what is happening in Syria, when we see what is happening in Gaza and in different parts of the world – we remember young people and children who lose their lives.’  This was the offending paragraph of her speech that lead to incrimination.
                Gaza should never have been mentioned in the same breath as what occurred in Toulouse, Norway, and Syria. Only those on the extreme Left would regard such an analogy as in any way appropriate; and then only for propaganda purposes, because even then, after rational reflection on the different nature of each episode, they would have had to accept the inappropriateness of mixing the events that happened in Toulouse, Norway, and Syria, with the events in Gaza.
                On an almost daily basis Israeli towns and cities are targeted by Islamic terrorists (what the BBC would refer to as ‘militants’)in Gaza. Rockets in their thousands have poured into Israel. They are primitive weapons of terror without discretion, and designed to maximise the deaths of Israeli men, women, and children. If there is to be an analogy made between the events in Gaza and  those other outrages, then the analogy must be with the antics of Palestinian extremists and not with the Israelis’
                On most occasions Israel’s actions are reactive; and when they do have to defend themselves, they target only those launching the missiles or the leadership of the various terrorist groups including Hamas. If children are killed, then they were as much the victims of the same terrorist groups as the Israeli’s.
                What the Left conveniently ignore is the tactic of using children as human shields in order to keep an IAF pilot’s hand off the fire button  when targeting the missile launch sites . If Palestinian children are killed, then it is not because they are deliberately targeted, unlike the Toulouse murders where an eight-year-old girl was grabbed by her pony tail by her assailant, who then proceeded to shoot her through the head.
                In Norway, it was the same kind of callousness and indifference to human suffering when children were also deliberately targeted. As for Syria, the indiscriminate nature of the killings by Assad, only proves that if the Arab world were successful in capturing Israel militarily, then the Jews know what to expect. For if Assad is capable of doing what he is doing to his own people – what would he do to the Jews?

BARONESS ASHTON, I am sure, never meant to make such a wicked analogy. All this proves is that this lady is unfit for purpose. Her appointment was made by Gordon Brown, and God knows what was going through his tortured brain at the time.
                What it does prove is that women, like men, should only be selected for such high office on ability and nothing else, such as quotas. Ms Ashton has proven to everybody’s dissatisfaction that she was never up to the job she was given. Therefore I think she can be forgiven; but not Gordon Brown for appointing her in the first place…but this is another matter.
                What Ms Ashton has raised in her clumsy way of so doing, is using an analogy that will, in the coming days after the Toulouse killings, be made by the Left generally. They will seek in some way to equate what happened in Toulouse, with what has happened in the skies over Gaza.
                They will try to make comparisons which do not apply; but nevertheless convinces them of the correctness of the path they are on and salvage their consciences. They, like all of those on the Left, believe that their end of the political spectrum is scripted by the future and this they believe will eventually lead to the overcoming of the state of Israel . It is, they believe, the ‘progressive’ nature of their beliefs that will see them win the day.

THE LEFT BELIEVE they are a progressive force and as such the future is guaranteed them. They are pro-multicultural, pro-abortion, pro-Gay, pro-feminist, and pro-political correctness.
                They are anti-Israel, as well as anti all anti multicultural references; and they believe in green issues and windmills. While their Muslim bedfellows are  homophobic and support the subjection of women; providing such practices occur within a Muslim culture they are to be  tolerated. While  arranged marriages and honour killings, provided they occur within the Asian culture, are also acceptable to the ‘progressive’ Left…is not multiculturalism wonderful?
                The modern Left would never be recognised by the Left who fought in Spain during its civil war against the fascists. For that earlier Left later saw what happened to the Jews during the Holocaust. They would have stood full square behind the creation of a Jewish state.
                Today’s Left have nothing whatsoever in common with their earlier descendents. The ‘modern Left’  variant of what we could all support during the 1930s and 1940s would meet with the utmost censure regarding their attitude toward the state of Israel.
                The modern Left has transformed itself. It can no longer speak on behalf of the British working classes, because what is left of them would not support their modern agenda. George Orwell spoke up for the British working classes. He brought home to the British public what they were subjected to in their daily lives. This was what made him a socialist.
                What those who were  murdered at the school in Toulouse proves, is that the Jewish people are only truly safe within their own country, where they can at least fight back. The events in France are a microcosm of the way Jews have been treated throughout history within the European Diaspora; and the way they will be treated in the future if they lose their one true sanctuary – a nation of their own.   




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