Monday, March 12, 2012

The One Nation State ‘solution’ – a demographic time bomb primed to destroy the Jewish state

THE LEFT have a cunning plan; they have evolved a method by which the Palestinians can evict the Jews from Israel, and Israel from the Middle East. For some time now these people (many from academia) have sought to brand Israel an apartheid state comparable to South Africa, which of course it is not. But such a term is useful to you when seeking to vote Israel and its people out of existence.
            The One State, those on the Left refer to, comprises Gaza, the West Bank, and Israel itself. Now to the simple minded, this formula may be attractive; the best way in fact to bring both communities together under one roof living happily in one nation. Why (such people may say) did we not all think of this before? It is so simple, and so beneficial to both Arab and Jew alike, that it is criminal of the international community not have set the wheels in motion before now.
            The Middle East conundrum finally appears to have a solution that benefits those on both sides of the divide; and the Left have made the One Nation ‘solution’ a fashionable cause among pro-Palestinian students within the academic community, as well as liberals generally.
            Next month, Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government will host a conference advocating a ‘One State Solution’ for Israel and the Palestinians.
                Two weeks ago the University of Middlesex held a public debate to discuss the issue of Palestinian statehood at which  this ‘master plan’ from the unprejudiced Left became part of the discussion…but unfortunately passions were high. I would like to have said on both sides; but there was only one side on show; and one of its panellists, the Liberal Democrat Peer Jenny Tonge, has now been threatened with expulsion from her party for some appalling comments that, in the feverish atmosphere of the University of Middlesex, she allowed herself to spew forth.
            In order for the One State solution to seem credible, you have to believe in the Left’s description of Israel as an apartheid state. Its whole plausibility depends upon accepting this description, which of course, all of the Left readily does: and if they can spread this virus far enough into the community, and convince enough of  us to believe it, then the politicians will have to sit up and take note.

NOW WE COME to the madness itself[1]. The Jewish population of Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank are about 5.7 million in total. The Palestinians total 5 million, while those Palestinians living outside of what would be the ‘One State’ boarders, comprise a further 2.9 million[2], all of whom would have a right to return to the newly build castle in the air.
            As you will see, the Jews quickly become outnumbered if  half or less of those choose to return. This ‘solution’ quickly becomes nothing of the kind, which is why, in order to find such a situation supportable, the Left has to have us all believing that the present state of Israel practices apartheid and is comparable to apartheid South Africa: only by believing this does such an arrangement merit consideration,
             Once the demographic changes in favour of the Palestinians become reality; the theory goes that  a referendum disposing of the Israeli state would be introduced and it would be overwhelmingly adopted. The apartheid argument is the key the Left intends to use to open the door to a Palestinian State. The Left believe that once the Palestinians have become effectively their own masters, both the Palestinian and Jewish cultures will live in harmony with the other, but with Palestinians in control.
            Now this is the kind of naivety that only the Left are capable of. They believe that such cultural opposites can easily attract if given the opportunity to do so. What the Left wants is a Palestinian Nelson Mandela walking half blinded by the sunlight of liberty, to appear before assembled journalists after the Jewish apartheid state had been successfully dealt with, without bloodshed… thanks to the One State ‘solution’.

ISRAEL TODAY is flourishing. It has a democratic constitution comparable to any in the Western World. As such it has an elected government, and tolerates free speech and criticism of both itself as a nation, as well as the politicians who govern it. It has a free press. It does not persecute people according to some ‘accepted form of sexuality’; indeed many gay Palestinians have sought refuge in Israel and have been accepted.
            Since 1948, the Jewish State has transformed itself. It has turned many parts of Israel from desert sands into flourishing fertile soil. It took hard work and a long time to achieve, attacked as it was by the Arab nations at every yard of soil tilled: but the burgeoning agrarianism eventually became a  prosperous economy that fed the people and managed to sell its surplus produce abroad.
            At the same time, under threat as she was and still is, from her neighbours, she was pressed into devising technological solutions  to defend her state. Today Israel has an exemplary Hi-tech industry that is serving not only part of her own needs, but the needs of the world.
            The Jews are an argumentative lot, and the only way I can see the state of Israel succumbing to its loss as a nation, is if the various factions within the state of Israel turn on each other. Orthodox and non-orthodox, as well as the secular community. If they are not careful, their state will fall into the hands of their enemies. The Jewish state needs to survive. If it does not then the Diaspora will once again become the only occupancy left to the Jewish people; leaving them, as in the past, as the prey of ancient prejudices that are cultivated by different rulers in order to cling to power. Just as today our politicians use immigration to either secure their return to government, or to outbid their opponents chances for government.

THE PALESTINIANS have been brought up to hate the Jew. Palestinian schoolrooms in Gaza and the West Bank have been centres of anti-Jewish indoctrination since 1948 when the state of Israel came into being. All sorts of vilification of the Jews have been written on the blackboards of Palestinian schools over generations, and have been engraved upon the minds of generations of young Palestinians.            
            The Palestinian children have been indoctrinated into a hatred for the Jew. Young Palestinians have been taught that the Jewish state has tortured and killed millions of Palestinians since they ‘occupied’ Palestinian sand… for sand is all it was.
            After such an ‘education’, how does the Left believe that two such communities can live together under their One State ‘solution’? Of course they do not believe that such an accommodation could ever exist. All they want, after all, is a Palestinian state
            Israel and its people would suffer from the anti-Israeli indoctrination enjoyed by generations of  Palestinian children over the decades. They would once more be forced to return to the Diaspora, which is probably what the Left had intended all along. For Palestinians would seek vengeance upon those who their teachers had labelled monsters.
            Israel is hated throughout the Arab world. If, for instance, the Assad regime in Syria can butcher its own people and slit their children’s throats, then what would they do to the Israeli’s if given the chance; as they were once given in 1967 and the Yom Kippur War?
            Until now, the Palestinians have suffered more deaths from the Arab world than they have from Israel. In Lebanon and Jordan the Palestinians have been the cause of much bloodshed; either their own or their ‘hosts’.
            If the Palestinians have an entitlement to a homeland, then it exists, not within the boundaries of Israel, but within those of Jordan. Let us remember that the Palestinians once sought refuge within that kingdom, but proved to be so much trouble that they were forced to leave the kingdom’s boundaries at a cost of thousands of their lives. Deaths inflicted upon them not by Israel but by King Hussein, whose tolerance wore thin.
            In Lebanon they also sought  to find a home until they were strong enough to challenge Israel. But they once more brought trouble upon themselves by using, as Hezbollah does today, Lebanese soil to orchestrate attacks against Israel. The Palestinians have brought as much trouble upon their fellow Arabs as they sought to inflict upon Israel, and brought upon themselves.
            No, the only practical solution is either the Two State variety, or the fairest one, but sadly implausible, the Jordanian ‘motherland’ solution.

[1] Read Henry Kopel’s excellent piece in The Commentator.
[2] Kopel’s figures

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