Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Kenya should serve as warning to West, just as it serves as a victory Islamism

EVERY POLITICIAN IN Britain should read Manzoor Moghal's article in today's Daily Mail . He reminds us that, because of years of political correctness and fear of the 'R' word, we have allowed Muslim extremism to get a grip within our society. Our fear of upsetting Muslim communities has lead to criminal acts going unpunished; as was the case in Rochdale, where the abuse and rape of white children by a gang of Muslims flourished freely for so long without police intervention.
            Then there was Finsbury Park Mosque which once boasted the hate preacher Abu Hamza al-Masri as its imam; and where  the 'shoebomber' Richard Reid, and Zacarias Moussaoui attended. The mosque was also used for weapons training[1]; but the entrance to the mosque was buttressed by political correctness. The police, schooled in diversity training, allowed radical imams like Abu Hamza to preach. The politicians turned way, and more likely than not prevented any action being taken by the Met.
            Other radicals also attended. In 2004 it was revealed that Kabal Rabat Bouralha, loyal to the Chechen warlord Shamil Basayev who boasts that he was behind the assault on the school in Beslan Russia which ended in the deaths of 380 children.

WHENEVER A HORRIFIC terrorist event occurs like the one in the Kenyan shopping mall over the weekend, commentators and columnists in the UK are keen to lay emphasis on the fact, and it is a fact, that the majority (if not the vast majority) of Muslims living in Britain are law-abiding, tolerant people. As the nationality of these Kenyan terrorists were Somalian and Muslims[2]; the UK media are quick to reassure the indigenous population that the reported UK Somalian population of between 150,000 and 250,000 are law abiding and tolerant… etcetera, etcetera.
             The simple fact is that 2,869,000 Muslims according to the 2010 census figures live within the UK  which is the third largest European population (it would not of course include illegals) after Germany and France. We have been told that young British Muslims have been recruited to jihad against the West, particularly (but not exclusively) in Syria. Our own intelligence services are scratching their heads over the possibility of what may happen when these British harvested jihadists return home[3]; and find security within our country's Muslim centres.
             The phrase 'having created a rod for our own back' is the most appropriate expression describing this country's dilemma - was it not, after all, Enoch Powell, whose various deliberations served as a warning for us of what may lay ahead; and may now be about to overtake us?

IF A MERE ONE PER CENT  of the British Muslim population shared jihadists sympathies, it would amount 143,450 people: and if a mere one per cent of those sympathetic to the Jihadist decided to actively participate in terrorist acts in the UK, it would amount to 1,434 Muslim terrorists targeting us. These terrorist could hide in cities such as Leicester or Bradford, where the indigenous population are now in a minority. This comes on top of British Muslims returning from Syria.
            It would be a nightmare for the security services, challenged as they are on an almost daily basis by organisations such as Liberty, as well as the many other liberal human rights lobbies: and as all such lobbies enjoy the ear of a liberal political class unwilling to be thought of as tyrants; then the security services face a desperate situation.
            I used to believe, that when our intelligence services warned us of terrorist attacks within our towns and cities, it was just special pleading for increased resources: but no longer. Today, I believe the only reason there has not been an attack in this country comparable to that which occurred in Kenya over the weekend, is because of MI5, MI6, and GCHQ; and when these organisations make requests from government for the right to take certain actions in their fight on terrorism which may be controversial, then they should be granted, and groups like Liberty should be sent away.
           We are at war with the Islamists, as they are with us. Because it does not feel like it as we go about our day to day business, it does not signify safety; but merely the fact that the intelligence services are containing it; and we must not deny them what they ask for to make it less and less likely that a tragedy like we have just witnessed in Kenya, cannot unfold in one of our shopping centres.


[1] According to a report in the Guardian
[2] One at least being reported as a British Muslim convert (that most disproportionate breed).
[3] A home created by Multiculturalism

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