Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Labour needs a period in the wilderness

IT IS NOT A JUST WORLD. If it were, the Labour Party would never be elected again until this generation of its politicians had been replaced. The whole process should take just over a decade to accomplish; then hopefully, the Labour Party will be fit once more to govern this country.
           Politicians by their nature have to be a thick skinned lot in order to survive the jungle they have thrown themselves into. But the likes of Milliband, Balls, and all of those who served in government between 1997 and 2010, must either have elephant hides, or despise the people they expect to vote for them - and they do. Especially those unquestioning life time believers who would vote for a stick of Brighton Rock, if it had Labour running through it.
           Over a 13 year period of governance, the Labour Party ruined the country economically and, out of pure political vindictiveness[1] opened the floodgates to immigration, with little or no thought as to its cost to their much renowned health service, education system, or housing policy. This piece of wickedness alone should have sent them into the wilderness; but there was more to follow.
            An even more pernicious form of social engineering appeared - because, unlike Blair's ill-considered attempt with immigration, Multiculturalism and its appendage in the form political correctness, and the consequent flowering of the hate crime, required much thought and planning.
            Multiculturalism's origins[2] have little to do with New Labour, but New Labour implemented it with rigour having allowed an open door policy to migration. Migration became the seed corn of Multiculturalism. Multiculturalism was the perfect vehicle for seeing come to fruition what the vast majority of the indigenous population rightly set themselves against - the destruction of their indigenous British culture.

ONCE MORE THE Labour Party are gathering in Brighton for their yearly conference; and Milliband, Balls, and the whole of the shadow cabinet seem to perceive the British public as they would a school of goldfish swimming endlessly around a pond  handicapped by their three minute memories. Which no doubt, is why they have the front to stand beaming in front of the cameras. It is as if their recent past was another country where things were done differently,  and little remembered.
            The Left, whether Labour or the Liberal Democrats are addicted. Their addiction is not for alcohol, A or B class drugs, gambling, smoking, or sugar baring confections. No, the Left are addicted to taxes, spending, borrowing, and printing; the latter when all the former activity runs into the buffers.
            This week in Brighton will be no different to any other Labour conference. Spending on childcare and promises by Ed Ball's that all their manifesto spending pledges will come under the scrutiny of the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR). On the surface a neat move. But it now appears that it would be illegal for the OBR to cost any party's election manifesto - quite right to.
             It is interesting that such a manoeuvre[3] was deployed: for it proves that the Labour Party are as distrusted on the economy by the British people as would be a recovering gambler if insanely given the levers within the Treasury. The OBR was never intended to cost any political parties manifesto pledges; for to do so would invite criticism and challenge the OBR's existence as an impartial analyst. If they granted Ed Balls his wish and gave its approval to his manifesto costing; the OBR as part of the civil service, would only invite its own demise and replacement.
            Balls is desperate that Labour should be considered at least competent in economic matters by the British public; and his attempt at sequestrating the independence of the OBR on behalf of the Labour Party is part of his desperate strategy - 'it's the economy stupid' is engraved on Milliband and Ball's heart, as it was on Bill Clinton's.

THE LABOUR PARTY does not deserve to be allowed anywhere near the seat of government. The party has done irreparable damage to the nation; and a simple apology by Ed Miliband is inadequate compensation for the irretrievable damage the Labour Party as done to this country. I only wish that those supporters of Labour who represent their core vote would come to their senses and realise what the party they put their faith in, has done for the indigenous working class people who they support.
            The halfway house between the Tories and Labour is Ukip; they are hated by the Tories, so such Labour voters need fear not voting for them. The traditional working class Labour voter is as patriotic as the traditional Tory voter, and each should put their traditional party loyalties to one side and vote Ukip.
             Labour needs a period of reflection and recovery in opposition: while the Conservatives need a return to Conservatism. Both Labour and the Tories need taking down a peg. At the moment they both represent social democracy, the political ideology that governs throughout Europe.


[1] It was Labour's intention to get one over on the Tories, whose lack of opposition was guaranteed, for fear of  being called racist.  Labour also, with the decline of their white working class vote, hoped that migrants would see things their way come an election.
[2] I read that one of its founding fathers was Roy Jenkins; who I believe later recanted.
[3] Intended, no doubt, to get  the Labour Party through their conference without the press leaning to heavily upon them about their spending commitments.

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