Sunday, November 17, 2013


AMAZON SHOULD stick by its guns and keep the 'offending' Golly costume on sale. Amazon has had many complaints, as well as many demands that the company should remove the offending costume from sale. I hope Amazon continues its resistance, but I am not very confident, for sooner or later they will be made to kow-tow to liberal hegemony.
           Today's Daily Mail has quoted  Michelle Coke  who wrote, 'This should not be an item for sale and should be removed immediately. This is offensive and show lack of sensitivity on the part of Amazon.' While another wrote, 'This is repulsive and offensive. Amazon take this down! Did you go back in a time machine to the 1940s?'
            As far as the Gollywog (who cannot answer back) is concerned; he was a treasured companion to many children of my generation. He is indeed old fashioned and none PC - but racist? Well, to many of those demanding his removal, I would fancy that many of them are white, liberal, and read the Guardian .
            I can remember collecting images of the little man from jars of Robertson's jams and Golden Shred marmalade. When we had collected enough we sent for the much prized badge. The badges came in a series with the Gollywog dressed in disguises as various types of musicians. Children wore them on their school uniforms and did so innocently, simply because there was nothing, either then, or today, to feel ashamed about.
            But it is not of course only the image, but the name (especially the second syllable) that evokes the current liberal outrage. Wog was an expression used commonly by those who served abroad during the British Empire. But it did not refer to those with black or brown skin. WOG was an acronym for Wily Oriental Gentlemen; and was targeted at Arabs in the Middle East who were rightly or wrongly distrusted by the British who believed them easily open to corruption and less than honest in their business dealings.
            While the Gollywog may be black 'wog' is a different kettle of fish. All a Gollywog was, was a black doll and nothing more as far as the children who played and drew comfort from them were concerned. Indeed, if anything, the Gollywog was an educational tool to the British children at the time when, in the 1950s men and women from the West Indies came among us.

THE  LIBERALARTI has to get a grip. If I were black I would be proud of the Gollywog; and even more so to see its popularity among white British children, and I would readily buy one for my own children; as today I would as readily buy a black doll. Imagine a teddy bear and the comfort it brought to generations of children…it is the same with the Gollywog. It did not turn young white fragile minds into fascists, or racists. The poor old Gollywog is being stigmatized today by the Gollyphobia of the liberalarti.
            The only way in which this doll could ferment such opposition in a rational world would be if children started to stick pins in it as part of a satanic ritual. To use such language as one complainant did describing it as '… repulsive and offensive' says more about this individuals rational perspective than it does about Amazon's decision to sell the Golly uniform.
             The Gollywog was much loved by generations of British, American and Australian children Before Political Correctness (BPC) intruded itself on our culture. But ever since, Western culture has introduced an intellectual embargo on what can and cannot be said regarding other cultures.
             If there is a market for this product, then Amazon has every right to sell[1] it and should do so. It is perfectly legal, and it is no more moral or immoral if a black child owned a white doll. If it fails to sell, then this should be the only criteria that determines whether Amazon should continue to sell its Golly uniform to the public. Amazon should not be intimidated by, in the main, white liberals into withdrawing this product.
            Let those who get a touch of the vapours by the Gollywog s appearance on Amazon turn to another web site; just as many television watchers have to do on a daily basis.

LET US OF A CERTAIN generation be allowed to finally raise a glass or two to the Gollywog; before it becomes as infamous as the Nazi swastika among the UK's liberalarti. For this is what it will come to if the likes of Michelle Coke, quoted above, get their way. She is not an out of the ordinary voice as far as this country's liberalista are concerned: for Ms Coke represents the liberal position thoroughly.
           God bless the Gollywog as a comfort, like the teddy bear, to childhood. Long may it be embraced in reassurance to a young child seeking sleep in the nursery. The Gollywog has added to the innocence of childhood; as does the teddy bear.  

[1] They are not breaking any law by doing so.

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