Friday, December 5, 2014

A socialist hypocrite, no less.

THE  MULTIMILLIONAIRE champagne socialist, Michael Meacher, has taken to the Marxist tabloid, the Morning Star, to berate Ian Duncan Smith (IDF) for his austerity welfare measures. He quite rightly rebukes Andrew Mitchell for his appalling treatment of police officers, and David Mellor for his drunken tirade against a taxi driver; "…over the best route home to his £8 million pad near Tower Bridge." It is a pity that Ms Thornberry and Gordon Brown did not receive a similar reprimand for their own previous indiscretions – but then, hey, the is the Morning Star… right? No need for balance hear.
            The Morning Star is probably the only daily that would have published such a load of Meacher rot. Even sympathetic lefty papers like the Guardian and the Independent would have baulked at publishing such an analysis – at least these two publications have an understanding of the dangers of the nation's ballooning deficit to the continuance of a wholly publically funded institution's such as the NHS…as well as for future generations.
            The conclusion Meacher seems to come to from his tirade is that those whom he refers to as being deprived, through what he terms "petty infringements" from claiming job seekers allowance should steal to make ends meet. The five minute rule for attending an interview is harsh, and the penalty even harsher, and it is often unfair on people such as my friend who worked continuously for 22 years; who paid his taxes and never had a day off through sickness - who was laid off due to the recession.
            Living in a seaside town he sought and gained work throughout the holiday season, but was laid off in late September each year. But instead of having to put up with the weekly interview in order to claim job seekers allowance; he, like many others, signed off ; and now he keeps himself throughout the winter on what he saves during the summer. It is far from ideal but it is a far better alternative than stealing; for he keeps his dignity, self-respect and most important to all, his honour; and would never reduce himself to the same level that Mr Meacher suggests others do in a similar position.
            In the 1930s my father had to work, not for money but food tokens. He literally "got on his bike" to ride several miles each day to dig holes for the placement of telegraph poles, and when the job ended he was told he had to sell his bike before he became entitled to national assistance – he never once considered stealing for his or his families' food.
            What Meacher describes as the "treadmill of impoverishment" is no such thing. Such an expression only belittles the sacrifices of the kind my father had to endure in the past. There is not a treadmill of impoverishment for healthy young and middle-aged men and women who wish to work, what they may lack is a sense of ambition; after being let down by the Comprehensive school system that the likes of Mr Meacher supported.
            Many claimants turn their noses up to lowly paid jobs because they see themselves as being better off on welfare: and this is why IDF is finally doing what previous Labour governments refused to acknowledge and chose merely to spend more and more of taxpayers' money on keeping such recidivists in benefit, and supplied with cans of cheap larger.

MICHAEL MEACHER has socialist instincts that leads him to believe in the equality of man -  even if his own personal fortune negates such an instinct. But do not get me wrong: if Mr Meacher has accrued wealth, then good luck to him. Wealth creation is, after all, the bedrock of the capitalist system; a system I believe in. A system which Michael Meacher has, however benefited from, despite his antipathy toward it.
            If Mr Meacher seeks to evangelise against wealth; then let him redistribute his own in a truly egalitarian fashion, instead of passing it on to his relatives. I am sure many of those he regards as being on the "treadmill of poverty" would be eternally grateful for his contribution.
             Let him follow the example of Bill Gates, the multi-billionaire capitalist who is using his billions to placate the suffering of millions who suffer from diseases such a malaria throughout the world. He has poured nearly a billion of pounds of his personal wealth into trying to eradicate malaria; and through his trust will pour further millions. How many of Michael Meacher's millions are being used to meet the same kind of need?
             Socialists such as Meacher are hypocrites, and so is the Morning Star for printing his piece. Socialism is the anchor chain preventing human political and social development; and those who subscribe to it are intellectually vacuous. There is a whole history of socialist failure to draw upon as evidence of the failure of socialism itself: involving the deaths of many thousands of millions of people drawn to its cause in the Soviet Union, China, North Korea, Cambodia, Cuba, Vietnam; as well as Mozambique and Angola; and, latterly, Venezuela.  But the ism still continues a-pace to attract new converts of idiocrats of a certain age to socialisms cause; for the idiom of equality among humans still meets a need – especially among the young and certain academics promoting a puerile socialist dissertation.
              Socialism is the new political idiocracy. It has recreated untold misery since its emergence. Yet it still survives among the Left in modern Britain. Socialism is a naive attraction for the young, and will therefore torment the political process within the West for future generations. Socialism is the naivety of youth, clung to until maturity hopefully emerges to undermine the romanticism of youth.

SOCIALISM IS the handbrake on social progress. It attracts the naive to its cause. Youth, in other words the youth beholding to the likes of George Bernard Shaw, Karl Marx, and Leon Trotsky. Youth beholding to all forms of egalitarianism, dreamed up by minds of a utopian disposition -  only to be overcome by a dystopian reality.
           Michael Meacher has no credible role to play regarding this government's attitude toward the much needed reduction in the welfare budget. Meacher has no purpose whatsoever  to serve; unless, that is, he makes his own financial provision toward those injustices he seeks to illuminate.
           Meacher seeks only to blame others rather than make a financial contribution himself to the cause he seeks to uphold. I will gladly write him a letter of apology if he has contributed at least half of his wealth to the causes he feels himself angered by as a socialist.
           There are throughout the world many millionaires who give generously to various charities and if Mr Meacher is among them, then I will take him more seriously as a socialist. But until his egalitarian spirit emerges in the form of genuine contributions to the less fortunate from all parts of the world, then Mr Meacher remains to my mind, a socialist hypocrite.


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