Friday, December 26, 2014

The EU is a master-stroke of incompetence

IT IS NOT ONLY ABOUT open borders. The EU is a disaster waiting to happen for the whole European continent. Political and monetary union was conceived as a means of ridding the continent of brutal and costly wars between nations over centuries culminating in the Second World War. Far better, so Europe's politicians and their bureaucratic apparatchiks thought; to tie the continent into the homogeneous whole that is European federalism; where potential conflict could be reined in by the liquidation of the nation state - and thus see an end to nationalism; that harbinger of conflict on the continent for hundreds of years.
            To do this the ordinary citizens of Europe had to be filled with such emotional and sentimental concepts such as solidarity, a potent expression used frequently by those in Europe outside of the UK. But they also had to be slowly tempted into full blooded federalism. This was achieved by flim-flam – especially in the case of the UK. What was once known as the European Economic Community (EEC); also known in the UK as the Common Market created under the Treaty of Rome in 1957, has turned into the architecture for a Federal European Union.
            The original six member economic community has grown into a 27 member union with ambitions for political and monetary union. At the time of the Treaty of Rome our Europhile politicians within the two main parties, told a sceptical British public that it was to be a purely free trade arrangement and nothing more; and any talk at the time, from anyone who suggested anything different, was to be considered a swivelled-eyed loon – especially by Ted Heath; who single handily sold out his country's nationhood for a dystopian vision meant to assuage further conflict between European nations.

WHAT IS NOW HAPPENING is the creation of a unified European Empire. The nation state within Europe, as well as its accompanying democratic structures, are now to be considered a part of history. The nation state is to be regarded as a primeval form of governance comparable to the ancient tribal structures that once adorned the continent of European antiquity.
            In Europe today the Brussels' bureaucrats even talk of a post democratic age. The New European Empire is expanding. Eastern Europe is being enticed into the European family. The Ukraine is being seduced into becoming part of this domain by the EU. The Ukrainians are eager to join; and if need be give up their nationhood (which they won back from Russia) in its pursuit of membership. Yes… the very nationhood they re-captured from the breakup of the Soviet Union; they are now only too willing to being sold off to become a mere province within a federal United States of Europe.
            In trying to attach the Ukraine to the new European Empire, the EU has ignored Russian sensibilities; and as a result Putin has helped the Russian eastern Ukraine retake the Crimea…a province of the Ukraine which was once Russian but was ceded to the Ukraine by the erratic and at times comical behaviour of the Soviet leader, Khrushchev, who, with one wave of his hand, handed it over to become part of the Ukraine; an illegitimate offering considering it was never sanctioned by any legitimate democratically elected government within the Soviet Union.
             Khrushchev treated the territory as some kind of bauble to be given away at his own expediency. And now the EU finds this legitimate grounds for demanding the Crimea's return to the Ukraine?

THE EU will no doubt tempt other ex-Soviet colonies to join the new empire; which it will always continue to do in the interest of a Greater Europe. But you would have thought that considering the impact it would have on Putin, Europe would have at least provided a credible military response if things turn ugly. But since the fall of the Berlin wall all European defence budgets have been butchered by the continents political parties wanting to provide the feel good factor for their constituents (especially before an election).
            The EU and Nato having nothing to threaten Putin with unless they yet again seek to rely, as they have had to do in the past, on America (a nation by the way, which  has always met with much ill-will and envy on the European continent).
            But as America sees its future in the Pacific region and no longer within Europe; the EU have to shoulder a greater responsibility for the continent's defence. And I do not think they are ready to do so. The 2008 financial collapse, and the pitiful failure of the European single currency, have forced austerity onto the agenda - while the most economically powerful country on the continent is infected by its 20th century history into passivity; and will not take the military responsibility that such economic power demands. Germany is weak in one respect. The people still have the feeling of culpability for the Second World War. Today in Germany, Green concerns have risen to first place in the German people's list of priorities.

THE EU is a kind of incomplete experiment; believing itself to be an all powerful Empire and still growing; while also believing itself to be more powerful than it actually is. There is the emperor with no clothes aspect to its boasts; with its unelected president and his commissioners strutting on the world stage with no democratic legitimacy to justify themselves. In fact Putin has more democratic legitimacy than either the EU president or his commissioners.
             Empires arise organically, and the fate of history ends them… while the European Empire is nothing more than the vanity project of European politicians; from the Treaty of Rome onwards. It is an empire whose architects are European bureaucrats (the winged monkeys of the unelected commissioners). Bureaucrats who will, given time, stop serving and begin influencing and then controlling the future of the EU.
             Commissioners believe whole heartedly in the 'project'; and they know their bureaucrats believe the same. So why not let them run things (like dotting the eyes and topping the tees) while they, the commissioners, enjoy their salaries and eventually, their generous pensions, by performing various superficial and often ceremonial functions. While the EU parliament sit there ready to rubber stamp all the bunkum the bureaucrats hand down to the EU commission , who then pass it on to the parliament for approval.

THIS MENAGERIE of various forms of cupidity that haunt the EU institutions such as its parliament brings another critique of the EU…its very corruption.
             All sorts of corrupt practices such as signing into the European parliament (in order to get your allowance) and then leaving the parliament to pursue perhaps a mistress. If any attendant parliamentarian serves two terms in the European parliament, he or she usually retires a millionaire on the legitimate earnings from being a member of the European parliament; after claiming extras; and if they chose to follow the many opportunities to abuse the system, then they will retire even richer -  all at the expense of the European taxpayer.
           The EU is corrupt from top to bottom and the EU taxpayer's seem to care very little; and while they indulge in such indifference, politicians will take full advantage. There is no other profession as easily corrupted as that of a politician; whether nationally or within the EU. But when it occurs nationally as it did in the UK MP's expenses scandal, the press will be on to it.
            Politicians are as corruptible as any other quarter of the population. But politicians are paid from the public tit; and it is the taxpayer they are robbing from and not an employer in the private; which is bad enough. Read your Charles Dickens if you believe this a new phenomenon – it is not, but only worse.



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