Wednesday, July 15, 2015

A modern Greek tragedy unfolds

GREECE MUST not be allowed to continue in the euro, for its own and its peoples sake. It has brought itself to this sorry end and it is no good the Greek people blaming Germany for anything other than allowing them to join in the first place. It was, after all, primarily the German taxpayer who has kept the Greek people's heads above water until now – so swastikas and other slogans of animosity toward Germany paraded on the streets of Athens by the far right is an insult to a country that has gone to such lengths in the post-war decades to lance the boil of Nazism. The German taxpayer, with the demise of communism, poured billions into uniting West Germany with the East; just as they have for the sake of Greece's continued membership of the euro.
               Greece continuously entered the last chance saloon and leaving it inebriated. This has to stop, but I doubt it will. There will be some last minute attempt at keeping the Greek peoples' misery ongoing rather than see the great euro ship of state holed beneath the waterline. There is now talk among the French and Italians of giving Greece a final chance and allow another multi billion euro loan to go through. Well both of these countries have certain weaknesses. Socialist France has a laissez-fair attitude to spending taxpayer's money, while Italy shares Greece's loathing of paying taxes.  
               But the northern and east European states, like Germany, Finland, Slovakia, do not see why Greece should be let off the hook. Italy, Spain, and Portugal, who have stuck with the austerity and the harsh sacrifices this brought, would begin, rightly, to wonder what it was all for if Greece was perceived as being let off the hook.

GREECE HAS three things going for it, its Mediterranean splendour and its ancient history as the home of democracy; as well as its holiday industry. But its civic culture has been invalided by the propensity for all Greeks to try and cheat their way out of paying taxes, but nevertheless expecting public services to be provided and comparable to those in any northern member state of the EU which they have up until this current crises enjoyed - but only off the backs of those in the rest of Europe who pay their taxes and subsidises parts of southern Europe like Greece.
                Greece is by no means the only country within southern Europe whose culture is systemically corrupt and continues to be so. But nevertheless the great European project continues apace with much vigour, and this is why I think Greece will be let off the hook once more.
                The European leaders were taken aback by the euro crises; but quickly came to the conclusion that rather than ditch the single currency, Europe must seize the opportunity to fast forward political union which its critics told them had to predate monetary union in the first place. But Brussels knew that once the citizens of Europe began to understand what political union meant in terms of nationhood; the more they would oppose it.
                The EU is a top down assemblage limiting democracy among the citizens of Europe to bring about a European Empire. They see democracy as an anachronism in this process and will restrict it at every opportunity to bring to an end the nation state. They believe Europe needs to be integrated fully into a super nation to compete with America, China, and India. The nation state they believe has outlived its historical usefulness and Europe must come together in order to create a European super state  whose peoples were once seduced by their politicians into believing that "closer union" was their only objective.
                 This was the state of mind of our elected national and unelected European leaders when the euro crises first broke: the Europhile fantasists could not give up the ghost. Their precious United States of Europe must be brought about at all and every cost - acquis communautaire must reign supreme.

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I WROTE THIS piece yesterday, while little realising how much the Greek people would be exposed by a euro exit. I viewed an excellent piece by Sky News overnight. It was a report from Athens by Sky's European correspondent and made some telling points about what the country would be exposed to without European protection. The Sky reporter suggested that once Greece became liberated from the euro there would be an invasion of circling vultures hovering over the much reduced country of Greece[1] comprising Russian and Arab oil billionaires buying up land and whatever else in this ancient culture they deem worthy of purchase - on the cheap: while its borders would be without European protection (such as it is) from the migrants that are daily crossing the Mediterranean.
                What an appalling outlook for a people. As I wrote yesterday and stand by today, the Greeks (not only their political leaders) brought this appalling state of affairs on themselves; but to have the prospect of their country being raped, by forces it is powerless to stop, takes austerity too far.
                After the overnight meetings between the EU and the Greek government there is now another 'solution' available which I have yet to read. But one suggestion, may turn out to be a silver lining of sorts for the Greek people – leave the euro for five years, but remain an EU member and all this implies in terms of its protection; if not from the carpetbaggers then at least from mass invasion of immigrants across the Mediterranean. It is a meagre broth with little sustenance but at least it helps dispose of one problem.
                Other than this; all that is Left for them is a modern Thermopylae were the Greek people are forced to make a final stand against, not Europe, but against what many Greeks perceive as the new Persians – Germany (I admit Angela Merkle makes an unconvincing Xerxes  but she is just as powerful as far as the EU is concerned).
                The whole European project was conceived after the Second World War to unite the countries of Europe and lead them away from European conflicts that had erupted like zits on the face of Europe over centuries. Solidarity was the new watchword at the beginning of the project and remains so to this day. The EU even boasts that since its creation there have been no wars on European soil.  Which is true, but this has more to do with the existence of NATO and more importantly America's contribution to it. A contribution the French have always resented as an Anglo-Saxon impertinence – France is not a member of NATO.              
                 European solidarity is no such thing. As the Greek people prove, solidarity is a fair weather friend. Once the weather becomes turbulent, then it is every European nation for themselves. The European Union is a vanity project for those European nations that once clung to empires and now wish to conjoin, at any cost including to democracy.
                Greece should have, like the UK, backed away from a single currency. But the bait they were invited to consume in the way of cheap loans from the ECB, was too much. They concocted an impossible economic portfolio to the EU upon joining the euro, a portfolio that the EU through a utopian vision of a greater Europe, accepted.
                Greece presented the EU with phoney economic statistics. No member of the single currency should be allowed to join the euro if their borrowing proportionate to GDP exceeded three percent – in Greek's case this borrowing now stands at over 145 per cent of GDP and is rising weekly. The European project was all important. Greece had to be brought on board if for no other reason than for historical reasons as the ancient birthplace of democracy.
                 Now poor old Greece lay exposed by its folly brewed by national self interest and an undeniable idealism for a Federal Europe that they thought (and still do) would save them – and it might have done if the lack of any civic responsibility had not let them down. Taxes have to be paid to provide the social services for a nation's people. The Greek people avoided this responsibility, and looked to the tax payers of Europe to keep their social services, Education, medicine and welfare benefits accessible – they wanted their cake and eat it, without almost any contribution from themselves.


[1] Just as there were in the American South after the American Civil War ended. What became known as carpet baggers descended from the North to exploit the misery of the South; they bought the great estates and the thousands of acres of cotton and tobacco farmers farmed, for which they were paid a stipend: defeat is humiliating as Greece is about to find out.

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