“Of all animals the boy is the most unmanageable, inasmuch as he has the fountain of reason in him but is not yet regulated”.
Plato (supported by judge Christopher Ball)
THE 19 YEAR-OLD serial burglar (700 at the last count) has finally been given what under our system amounts to a stiff sentence of five years, which usually means, out in two. And what is Wernham’s response to his sentence, written (if that is the right word) on Facebook: “Be out in 18 months or before. Yeeh is guna ride this s**t.”
In court he admitted to 17 burglaries and thefts as well as 645 other offences to be taken into account. He appeared, and not for the first time before Judge Christopher Ball, QC. who, according to the Daily Mail, “insisted he had originally been right to ‘gamble’ by enrolling the thief on a taxpayer-funded rehabilitation scheme that provided him with a rent-free flat and job training”.
Having stole property estimated to be worth £1.1 million which included a £85,000 Mercedes, a £50,000 Porsche Cayman, and a £30,000 Land Rover Discovery, Wernham was still given chance after chance to reform himself. Indeed the state appears to have bent over backwards at taxpayer’s expense to rehabilitate this moron.
No doubt that Bradley Wernham had what is described by the ‘professionals’ allocated to provide for his needs as a ‘difficult childhood’; and no doubt a timeline of his wretched upbringing was submitted in great detail on every appearance he made before a magistrate or a judge. Which is why, no doubt he managed to avoid prison for so long. Or at least one hopes that this was the reason instead of overcrowding.
Now we have a Justice Secretary who supports the unsupportable; if Ken Clarke had sat where Judge Christopher Ball, QC had sat in the Bradley Wernham case. Wernham would today be sent on yet another tax-funded extravaganza and given his 701st chance to reform.
OUR PRISONS ARE INDEED OVER CROWDED. Some 90,000 inmates are squeezed into a system that falls well short of such numbers. Some 10 per cent of these inmates are, however, of foreign origin. Nearly 10,000 inmates have come from abroad, and at £40,000 a year, they represent in total, a £40 million yearly addition to our prison bill.
Every day we read of cases similar to that of Bradley Wernham. This is because our justice system has been hijacked by European legislation which we are forced to obey because our politicians signed up to it (this does not mean, however, that our judiciary do not agree with it). Now the likes of Bradley Wernham can indeed boast on Facebook. They can do so because our criminal justice system has lost track of who the real victims are when it comes to crime.
When a crime is committed, all of the agencies associated with it seek to understand and protect the perpetrator. While the victim is given lessons in something called ‘restorative justice’. A reprehensible and contemptible attempt to bring the criminal face to face with the victim in the hope that the criminal will change his ways in the future. Which leaves the real victim in the position of helping his or her assailant. Just another liberal overture for the likes of Bradley Wernham to abuse.
Liberal ‘justice’, for this is what it advertises itself as, has governed this country since the mid-1960s. We have had 45 years of having our sense of right and wrong blurred into grey areas by social workers, probation officers, educationalists, ACPO, Amnesty International and uncle Tom Cobly and all. The liberal diorama that has dominated our society since the ‘swinging decade’ of the 1960s, must now meet its nemesis. It must do so because their nostrums have been proven to be wrong.
Yet our politicians are not yet ready to give up the ‘project’ as Tony Blair called it; because David Cameron now wishes still to pursue it alongside his Brokeback companion, Nick Clegg.
THE BRITISH PEOPLE HAVE TO REALISE THAT their politicians are hell bent upon our incorporation into the rest of Europe. Which means their liberal laws will always fall well short of the anger felt by the British people. For the elite that has delivered us into the embrace of Europe ; an elite that encompasses the likes of Peter Madelson, who does not and will never live with the consequences of their liberal approach to criminality.
Bradley Wernham is an abstraction for such people. He will never inveigle himself upon such riches as they own. The likes of Bradley Wernham prey only upon those that can least afford to lose what he takes.
Yet the people who give Wernham chance after chance are the very people he leaves alone including the likes of Ken Clarke.
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