A HOME OFFICE REPORT released today says that thousands of illegal immigrants are being allowed to settle in the country because the police are frightened of asking them the necessary questions about their origins because of being accused of racism.
It appears that a pilot study found that when the proper checks were made more than three times the number of illegal immigrants were found. According to today’s Daily Mail, the police, ‘fear asking questions about their nationality because they will be hung out to dry by politically correct regulations’.
These officers are quite right to be fearful. The term racist is today the modern equivalent of being charged with and convicted as a witch. Such are the times we find ourselves living through that all sorts of new spells are now part of the modern dictionary of witchcraft; spells under such headings as, Homophobia, Islamaphobia as well as that old favourite racism. If anyone says anything that could be interpreterred as having an anti-minority slant then woe betide them: then, like the witches of an earlier age the modern variety can fall foul of the anti-witchcraft laws which forbid the casting of ‘anti-minority’ s curses in the form of what was once known as free speech - but today becomes a crime.
IT MUST ANGER MANY people that laws enacted to curb illegal immigrants are neutralised by other laws, many of which have been concocted in Europe, that hinder the arrest of what are after all criminals. If our police are afraid to even inquire into a person’s background to ascertain whether they are entitled by law to live among us, then the world (or this part of it) has surely gone mad.
It appears that in modern society a person’s human rights has eclipsed any need to act with responsibility. For years the police have profiled minorities for certain crimes and stopped and searched them, not for racial reasons; but because whether they be Russian, Turkish, Somalian, West Indian, Polish or Portuguese; whatever the minority involved, the police chose them because they fit the profile of a certain crime, whether it be people smuggling, drugs or passport forgery. The list of crimes has grown larger since we opened our boarders to the rest of the world. New crimes have been created, crimes which years ago never existed except as an oddity.
If our police cannot police because of laws made by politicians either here or on the continent of Europe, then the time is fast approaching when the people must demand the right to defend themselves; whatever this may entail depending upon how far this current state has yet to go. For if the police cannot protect me and my loved ones then I have the right to defend myself just as any other citizen living with such failure has the right to do.
THE WAY WE ARE HEADING will ultimately lead to anarchy. During the last government begun under Tony Blair some 2,000 new laws were passed. It is only within a multicultural society where you are balancing the rights of so many minorities that such a flood of legislation could ever occur – but then I am only guessing.
But may I suggest this. New laws on such a scale would have had to entail a structural change to our political and economic system of the kind favoured by Tony Benn – and we all know Blair was no socialist.
Every day people now have to watch what they say. Which in a democracy should never have to happen. We in this country are slowly but surely killing free speech; a device we once thought well embedded within our democratic system, that we never ever feared its removal.
But then our past generations never thought we would have to take into consideration the requirements of multiculturalism.
I read recently that Roy Jenkins, who was, apparently, one of the founders of this concept of equal value given to different cultures including our own.
I also read that he later regretted giving such a system his support.
TODAY’S HOME OFFICE REPORT only exemplifies Roy Jenkins’s later misgivings which he knew would have had to come about. Being, as he was, a Europhile, Mr Jenkins new that Europe would grow in importance and that European rulings would render our own parliament’s rulings meaningless. How he would react to the EUs prohibition of Turkey into the union, one can only guess.
I venture to suggest that our police’s fears are both accurate and worrying and if they are not quickly addressed by what are supposed to be our servants in parliament then somewhere down the road the British people will have to take a hand.
Multiculturalism has proven to be a volatile concoction that encourages much resentment among the indigenous population of yes, the white British. Not only has such an ideology bankrupted any hope of integration of different ethnic groups, but has declared war on all forms of racial integration.
Multiculturalism will always, one hopes, be opposed, not on racial grounds but upon cultural grounds.
This whole business of being ultra-sensitive to minority feeling by liberal sentiment is as vacuous as us multi-racial supporters find it - it is a sham. The Guardianistas who propagate multiculturalism at every opportunity regardless of their own culture, are craven, weak and gutless.
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