VERY shortly Iran will be producing nuclear energy, and it is being said that they will be producing weapon grade uranium in another year; and yesterday President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad presented to the world the Karar or ‘assailant’. The Kara is a drone that carries, according to Iranian state television ‘…four stealth cruise missiles…and, depending on the mission, it can carry two bombs of 250lbs each or a precision missile of 500lbs,'. Ahmadinejad promises another announcement along such lines shortly.
Israel has been wanting to take action against Iran for some time, but was talked out of it by its greatest ally, America. America did so in the hope rather than the expectation that the Iranian government would be overthrown by the opposition in a kind of ‘velvet revolution’ of the type seen in Eastern Europe after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
First of all any new technologically sophisticated weapon, like that of the Karar drone, will draw nothing but admiration from the Muslim world (if not among many of its governments).
The West has soft peddled with Iran; its imposition of sanctions has had little effect; indeed, if they had, then there would no doubt have been a liberal backlash in the West, similar to that in Iraq; where we were told at the time of hundreds of thousands of people dying because of them.
Sanctions are the default position of the international community when they cannot face up to the reality of their position. The West does not believe that their imposition of sanctions against the regime will actually bring Ahmadinejad to the negotiating table; indeed they just sit on their hands hoping that ‘something will turn up’. Meanwhile the only nation who has been prepared to do something has been warned off from doing so.
Israel’s intelligence service has been, historically, much admired in the West. It has to be clever when being surrounded by enemies. Twice in the last century she has had to fight wars for her very survival against her neighbours; and on both occasions it was Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, that proved its effectiveness – especially during the Six Day War of 1967, when Israel garnered intelligence that convinced the Israeli government that her Arab neighbours were about to invade. Israel used such knowledge to pre-empt the attack, and struck first.
I BELIEVE THAT, WITH IRAN, Israel knows that another war is imminent, but cannot persuade the West of its view. Which means that Iran will develop weapon grade uranium, (yes, despite the UNs inspectors) and will be able to produce ever more sophisticated weaponry like the Karar drone, because she has been given time by the West to do so. Historical comparisons are a dodgy business. But Germany, after the First World War, had similar restrictions imposed as Iran has today. Under theTreaty of Versailles, limits were imposed by the victors on Germany’s military capabilities. But as we know, when Hitler attained power he managed to defy the Treaty and built up a dangerous level of military force that nearly overwhelmed Europe and caused millions of deaths.
Sanctions mean very little to dictators, for they care very little for their people; and providing they have command of a strong military to suppress any descent, then sanctions will not work
Hitler knew that after the Great War, Western politicians were not prepared to fight another such conflict. So many of them became appeasers, like those today who ‘hope that something will turn up’: and it took the rhetorical skills of a single politician to bring the country round.
President Ahmadinejad will sooner or later bring round many of those opposition activists that the West hope will relieve them from their squeamishness. He will do it by demonstrating Iran’s military prowess as he did with the Karar project. He has plenty of time on his hands to win round the unbelievers in his own country because we in the West have provided him with that time, just as we provided the rise of Hitler with time to take on the rest of the world.
TODAY ISRAEL IS TRYING TO do what Churchill was eventually successful in doing, but so far without any result. Israel is seen by many in the West as the villain depriving the Palestinians of their homeland. The state of Israel is hated throughout the Muslim world as well as amongst the millions of Muslims allowed to live amongst us in the West.
If Israel goes under then so will the Western democracies. Israel represents true democracy in the Middle East, yet, it appears, it also has enemies in the West – if only of a liberal persuasion that may be limited in number, but mighty powerful within the culture.
There is a part of me that wishes Ahmadinejad well. For he is exposing the wretched state of the West’s ability to defend their values: and if any nation cannot hold on to its values then it deserve such a fate as the Muslim world has lined up for it.
We in the UK have long forgotten the values that made us a nation, as well as the sacrifices made in order to achieve it. Today, how many people can even describe the tenets of a democracy, let alone live by them? Maybe, just maybe, it is because our nation’s history has been politically corrected in the interests of our multicultural society by the educational establishment, and is no longer taught.
IT APPEARS THAT ISRAEL is the only democratic nation to still believe in itself as such; which is why it remains prepared to fight for its survival. Iran knows this and so defies the West so successfully. Iran threatens the West and the West bows down to Iran’s needs; be it under the ‘threat’ of sanctions.
I feel that the Western democracies are up for the taking by Islam. I believe this because our democratic leaders wish to introduce the ideology of a multicultural society, which no member of the Islamic community believes in, and seeks to dominate in the future. Perhaps Ahmadinejad knows that the multicultural intrusion into the West, will in the future, provide Islam with the superior numbers backed up by effective military technology.
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