ISLAM IS AN EVIL RELIGION, and long it will remain so until it emancipates itself from the medieval barbarism which, through its actions in the modern world, it is being associated with. Having never gone through any form of reformation, Islam has allowed itself to become a hated and much reviled faith, pandered to in the West by social liberals from all parties and persuasions who believe to the point of psychosis, in multiculturalism.
Everything said to the contrary is eclipsed by concrete examples. Over the weekend we learnt of an ‘honour’ killing in Pakistan of a British citizen because he refused to allow his daughters to marry two of his Pakistani nephews. Today we learnt from Iran that a female adulterer has been whipped (apparently given 100 lashes) before she was shot - although the usual form of execution for such a ‘crime’ is stoning: which is apparently meant to mean that the Iranian justice system has exhibited a kind of mercy, according, no doubt to the teachings of the Koran.
Stoning has a macabre misogamy about it. For a male, the ritual entails him being buried up to his chest, and, if he can manage to free himself using his arms while being stoned, he will have his sentence reduced to life in prison. The woman, on the other hand, is buried up to her neck. This is because her breasts must be hidden from the eyes of all males present. Which means that women cannot even attempt to release themselves while being stoned.
It is strange to me that Western feminists have not taken up arms on behalf of their Iranian sisters. Like all liberals who believe in multiculturalism, they remain silent until a boozy working class or moronic chav male hits his wife, girlfriend or fiancée. Then they trot out their vindictiveness in every television studio that invites them.
ISLAM NEEDS TO ATONE FOR ITS ACTIONS. And we in the West who have a considerable minority of Muslims living among us, must challenge them to live by the laws and practices of the host culture, or depart these shores to follow their heart’s desire within a Muslim society.
We have living amongst us some 1.5 million Muslims from Pakistan alone. Those members of our host culture have to keep their mouths well and truly zipped for fear of the hate laws. If this is not comparable to Soviet communism, then what is? For like communism, multiculturalism never evolved from nature but is an ideology created from a human mind; and in the case of multiculturalism - a liberal mind.
The liberal mind in question, I have learnt from a television interview given with Bernard Donoughue, the author of that hugely fascinating work, ‘Downing Street Diary’ was Roy Jenkins, whom Donoughue suggests later recanted his faith in multiculturalism.
ISLAM NEEDS TO BE CHALLENGED. There is however a sophistry doing the rounds that it is not ISLAM that needs to be challenged, but something called ISLAMISM. Islamism, it seems, is an offshoot of Islam. But one which embraces the likes of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, but has nothing to do with mainstream Islam.
The Koran, unlike the Bible has no New Testament to retrieve it from its medieval interpretation. There was never in the Muslim world a Christ-like figure to humanise the faith and to deliver a new perspective to the religion.
Islam is a faith that weighs down rather than liberates its believers. Under Christianity, built as it is upon love and forgiveness, it guarantees its existence. For who does not believe in love - if not forgiveness?
I can understand why we went into Afghanistan. The 9/11 terrorist attack on the New York Twin Towers left more dead than at Pearl Harbour; this demanded a response which lead to this country’s involvement in Afghanistan.
Pearl Harbour unleashed the American nation upon the Imperial Japanese; just as 9/11 unleashed the same nation upon Islamic extremism.
If we fail to end this cancer of militant Islam upon our society, then our continuing evolution in the West will be brought to book by our weakness and liberal dutifulness to tolerance. A tolerance that will surely see an end to all Western values.
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