160 DETAINEES AT CAMPSFIELD HOUSE, immigrant removal centre, have gone on hunger strike. It was only last month that Nick Clegg had to retract a statement informing the public of its closure. Facilities are said to be poor and detainees are serving increasingly longer periods in the centre, according to HM Chief Inspector of Prisons, Ann Owers.
If these detainees wish go on hunger strike, then they should be given every opportunity to eat, but should be left alone until they either come to their senses or suffer the consequences; either way the solution lies with them and them alone.
If they are serving such a long stretch, then it is thanks to the European Union and the behaviour of their human rights lawyers both of which are intent upon keeping them where they are. For no doubt the government would send most of them packing tomorrow if they had the power to do so. I also wish that Campsfield House could close, just as Nick Clegg believed and hoped last month.
But until these detainees can be removed back to where they belong, it is no use them complaining about their current situation and threatening starvation. All they have to do is tell their lawyers whose practices have made copious amounts of money from the public purse on their behalf, that they are now ready to return home voluntarily. For if the situation is so bad in Campsfield House, that they are prepared to starve themselves to death, then their situation must be far worse here than the one they will return to.
PLACES SUCH AS Campsfield house and Yarl’s Wood in Bedfordshire are there because both the EU and human rights lawyers acting on the detainees behalf have kept them in existence, and are now using them to advance their client’s case for release into British society.
Our system of immigrant removal is becoming like America’s death row syndrome where convicted murderers’ lawyers can exhaust an appeal system to limits stretching out over several decades.
The greatest concern of the British people is mass immigration, and the word mass is by no means alarmist. Demographic predictions of a population growth to between 70-73 million people by the middle of this century, largely made up of immigrants, puts untold social pressures upon our society. It is expected, for instance, that to accommodate such an increase, a further 100,000 home per year will have to be built just to cater for such an influx.
If our politician’s choose to ignore the social consequences of their liberal approach to this issue, then they and they alone will be to blame for the consequences. We are an island people still proud of our history, but are nevertheless left with the feeling that the modern generation of liberal politician and journalist do not share such a pride - as their predecessors once did.
Margaret Thatcher once used the word swamped to describe what was happening to this country’s demographic development; and for her foresight she was accused by the Labour opposition of being a racist. And when they came to power, the Labour government opened our boarders and any opposition was greeted with the same rebuke – racist.
By so opening our boarders, the Labour Party hoped that a whole new constituency would be made available to replace the white working class that had caused so much trouble in the 1970s and kept the party out of power from 1979 until 1997. In allowing what amounted to unrestricted access to our country, the 1997 Labour government under Tony Blair, hoped to vacate their dependence upon the white working class, by attracting a new migrant population to their cause.
THOSE THREATENING THEIR death in Campsfield House immigrant removal centre should be allowed to do whatever they wish without interference from the authorities. I do not believe a single individual will partake of the assigned road to death they have promised us to follow.
If however any of the 160 choose to starve themselves, then they will have done so on their own cognisance, and no department of government need to feel responsible for the individual’s actions. All that can be done is make food available to the detainees should they wish to change their minds.
There position is due not to the UK Boarder Agency, or any other agency of government, including government itself. All such people can do is offer those 160 immigrants the sustenance to end their self-inflicted suffering. If they choose, for reasons of gaining publicity, to ignore attempts to feed them, then they are fools.
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