FIRST IT WAS THE UK. The authorities turned their back on the events unfolding in Rochdale, Salford, and Oxford, among other towns where white, non-Muslim young girls were rounded up and corralled by Pakistanis in various flats and bed-sits to be sexually abused and raped. These grievous offences were known of by social services and the police: but they would rather impugn the backgrounds of these young girls who were raped, than confront the ethnic minority who were responsible for such behaviour, and so it carried on. Even councils turned a blind eye to what was going on in the towns where they were elected to protect the vulnerable, but had studied the cultural demography of their wards and acted accordingly.
Now we come to the events in Cologne on New Year's Eve, where 'asylum seekers' that were invited by the German chancellor to seek refuge in her country were abusing German women who found themselves surrounded by gangs of what were described by witnesses as of African and Arab origin. These women were encircled by these groups of men of African and Arab characteristics and faced being groped, and thankfully in only one or two cases, raped.
The events surrounding that night were at first ignored by the politically correct BBC. So it was left to other broadcasters such as Sky News to report the events in full. It was when the BBC had no option, because of the developing importance of the story worldwide, that they began to cover it; but still provided no information of the ethnicity of the attackers. It was some 48 hours after Sky News and other broadcasters had identified the attackers that the BBC grudgingly mentions in a tone that suggested irrelevancy, the ethnicity of the attackers.
Similar stories came to light from Dusseldorf and Stuttgart, where comparable acts were carried out by immigrants on German women. Now we learn that the social democratic state of Sweden deliberately tried to cover up similar patterns of behaviour by migrants. Sweden has been at the forefront of multiculturalism in Europe; willing even to overwhelm her own indigenous population with migrants in order to fulfil her multicultural quota. This liberal insanity reached such a level that the Swedish government sought to impose a blackout on such behaviour by Muslims, in order to, no doubt, keep the Swedish people passive and supportive of the multicultural ideal.
This is where liberal multiculturalism becomes authoritarian. It is no longer the Right but the Left that censors and redact. All over Western Europe, such recalcitrant behaviour by immigrants allowed into Europe is, it seems, from the events in the UK, Germany and Sweden, being ignored until something happens on the scale of Cologne where it forces itself into the headlines.
The first instinct of the UK, Germany, and Sweden, was to either ignore or cover-up the behaviour of those who we allow to come and live among us. The multicultural ideal to the liberals was once the Marxist ideal - an equally fallacious construct; but as with communism, much pain will flow for the people.
It is liberalism that dominates the political culture in all mainstream West European political parties including those in Germany. The indigenous populations within all the nation states of Europe have been overlooked and taken for granted for far too long by the liberal establishment. Such establishments have since the 1970s encouraged immigration; and the people – the ordinary people, the so-called 'plebs' as well as the bourgeoisie, either tolerated or openly welcomed other nationalities, particularly from countries that were once colonies of various European empires.
All over Western Europe, the liberal insistence on tolerance was generally accepted, apart from a minority of far Right parties and groups who made very loud noises but proved harmless to democracy; yet however small and insignificant were these groups, the liberal consensus was determined upon their roadmap of a multicultural, politically correct, and hate crime agenda which we live with today. And our liberals, all over Europe, were either naive or just did not expect, or did not care about any kind of backlash. Either way, the rise of the far Right today is due to an almost Bourbon-like divine right of liberal arrogance that replaced that of its conservative variant after the Second World War. The liberals have been the midwives of the modern far Right by the way they have driven through their 'progressive' agenda; and in later years when this agenda has faced any kind of challenge, charges of racism have zipped tight the lips of free expression.
It is the liberal Left that now deserves the prefix 'far' to attach itself to Left. The liberal hegemony has wreaked havoc throughout Europe since the end of the Second World War: admittedly, as far as the EU is concerned, for the best of intensions given Europe's history. But we all know that the road to Hell is paved with such good intensions; and so it is proving.
Merkle is responsible for the latest surge in support for her country's far-Right. It was she who invited a million immigrants from Syria to integrate themselves within the German nation after she saw a young child washed up dead on a sea shore far away from home. Her human instincts were right for such a decision to be taken – but for a leader of a nation as important as Germany emotion should never trump sound judgement with emotion: the results of which we witnessed in Cologne on New Year's Eve.
THE RISE OF today's far-Right in Germany has nothing to do with the way Germany was humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles 97 years ago, which led to the rise of Hitler. Today's far-Right in Germany are gaining support; but not because of the events in Cologne and other German cities. The rise of the German Right is as much due to the rise of the EU and the free movement of peoples, as migration from outside of Europe. Europe cannot absorb the world's migrants; it would only shorten the life of Western culture in Europe if it did so.
Culturally people are different. Humans may be the same, but the way they have been moulded by culture sets them apart; which is something our multiculturalists (apparently) did not realise when they rather guiltily and romantically sought to open up our Western societies to other cultures. Cultures that believe in such uncommon practices as arranged marriage, honour killings, sharia law, female gentile mutilation, and the subjugation of women to such an extent, that if such suppression involved indigenous women it would have had the self-righteous feminists spitting blood. But our feminists apparently make allowances for the practices of other cultures; for how else can we explain the silence from them when their sisters in a rigidly patriarchal culture are suffering.
The whole wretched liberal hegemony stinks of hypocrisy when it comes to cultures other than our own. Something they refer to as cultural relativism is their only meagre and pitiful excuse for the abrogation of their humanity when ignoring the repulsive behaviour of the practices mentioned above.
It is modern liberalism that has exhumed the corpse of and reinvigorated the far-Right by their multicultural ideology. You cannot expect those silenced by political correctness and the hate crime not to turn toward such extremist parties when all the main parties are mainstream liberal, and the liberal mainstream today is gripped by such a radical and anti-democratic concept as political correctness the abuse of which becomes a felony.
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