Monday, January 18, 2016

Corbyn; the mad hatter of socialism

ANY LEADER OF a nuclear power who forswears the use of nuclear weapons under any circumstance, may just as well get rid of them because no nuclear enemy will fear a similar retaliation if they used their own nuclear armaments against such a nation. The refusal to press the button when a nuclear threat is deemed imminent first of all makes nonsense of any kind of nuclear programme costing billions: but it potentially invites, without cost to the enemy, the deaths of millions of people.
                If Corbyn comes to power, no nuclear enemy will fear us; they will not fear us because Prime Minister Corbyn has been foreswearing the nuclear option all of his political life – long enough to be believed by any potential enemy. Corbyn has said he would get rid of Trident missiles; he would not tolerate their presence: but he now says he will tolerate the presence of the submarines that would carry them– but only on the condition that they will not carry them. So if Corbyn became prime minister we would have a multi-billion pound fleet of atomic submarines, but disarmed of nuclear weapons: submarines which will be searching the waters of the world without any lead in their pencil.
                So to what practical purpose are these sterile subterranean vehicles to be put? Premier Corbyn has now told the world that he would never sanction the use of nuclear weapons; but he would the submarines that carry them. So we have, at great cost to the nation, neutered the nuclear submarines sent out to patrol the oceans; but to what purpose? How would the submariners feel at such a prospect? They would feel their only purpose was to keep the members of Len McCluskey's union in their jobs. If we got rid of the Trident missiles and the submarines that carried them there would be a backlash for Corbyn. His union paymaster would be incensed at the loss of tens of thousands of his member's jobs. McCluskey; the Labour Party's main breadwinner would shit bricks at such a prospect.
               So how does Corbyn reach a compromise between his and his paymaster's position? Well, there is no rational compromise between them; but there is a surreal one which Corbyn introduced us to this morning on the BBC's Andrew Marr Show. It is the one that has about it the ridiculous and absurd proposition that we can keep an unarmed fleet of nuclear submarines as a 'warning' to our enemies. This 'compromise' between a far-left leader of the Labour Party and his union paymasters can only invite ridicule. Yet I cannot believe that Corbyn (as innocent as he appears of the world) believes that this represents any kind of convincing compromise between himself and Len McCluskey.

CORBYN'S 'SOLUTION' could have been the product of a constant over- reading of Alice in Wonderland in his youth. Corbyn has sucked feverishly at the teat of Marxism; and such is his loathing of the West, to whose enemies he has promised his reserves of compassion, even at the expense of the country he was born into; but whose economic system, a system that heralded the birth of true democracy and gave him his freedom to hate it. And hate it Corbyn and his kind do with an odium they find exhilarating.
                When you enter the mind of an individual who cleaves to the belief that socialism is, despite the historical evidence[1], an evolutionary advance on capitalism, you have to suspend reason for emotion. Socialism is an emotional construct, a fantasy Utopia that people cling to despite its cruelties that outnumber those of 19th century and modern capitalism by a factor of many millions dead, and further millions sent before show trials  after being tortured. Then found guilty and hung; in many cases for what we take for granted in the capitalist West – free speech; an unheard of practice within any socialist paradise.
                The Corbynista that seek to govern this country have, like most of us, fully functioning brains; but ones which nevertheless are in permanent denial. The Corbyn idea for putting to sea nuclear submarines without nuclear missiles is to such a mind perfectly rational. But when you are filled with such hate for your country it leads to the belief that a disarmed nuclear fleet is a rational compromise between his longing to be rid of our nuclear capacity and his union paymaster's insistence that such a nuclear capacity should remain if only because of the union jobs that would be lost if the Trident programme ceased.
                If Corbyn is seen as a fool after this latest bout of irrationality on behalf of the unions; then it is because his arms and legs are tethered to the puppet master, who, with a gentle tug on the string; compasses Corbyn in whatever political direction suits his puppet masters interest.

CORBYN has made himself look foolish; but as long as he keeps Len McCluskey happy the absurdity of his position over Trident does not seem to matter. And why should it? All of his political life Corbyn has ignored the truths of socialist failure. He bulldozes reality to one side and continues to believe in an impossible venture. The venture of changing human nature by means of political ideology – it is, to any rational being an absurdity that has been tried and tested to the monumental suffering of humanity. But yet, even today, after being presented with the historical evidence, the Corbynistas still cling in forlorn hope that we will all eventually believe.
                 But we will not. Socialism has been a curse on economic development. Human nature has advanced us to this point in evolutionary history with all of its many cruelties that were attached to the 19th and the first half of 20th-century capitalism: cruelties which, however, have been vastly outnumbered by the socialist states listed in the footnotes. Modern Capitalism has, through modern technology; led in the West to a standard of living unknown in the past; and to pretend otherwise as socialists tend to do, is an inane pretence befitting the socialist paradigm.



[1] Evidence beginning in 1917 with the founding of the Soviet Union; followed by the spread of socialism in Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, and East Germany, as part of the Soviet empire and continuing in China, North Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba, Angola, Mozambique, and Venezuela. 

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