Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Cameron must ignore the charities call

TWENTY-SEVEN charities have written an open letter to the prime minister chiding him for what they consider an inadequate response to the hundreds of thousands[1] of refugees that have entered Europe from Syria, Afghanistan, and Pakistan over last summer and will no doubt resume this summer. These charities among who are counted Oxfam, Amnesty International, and the International Rescue Committee: their letter was co-ordinated by the British Refugee Council.
                You would have thought would you not, that considering the salaries of many a CEO of these charities; they would prefer to lay low? But no, they ignore their own scandalous behaviour when it comes to donations and the cut taken by CEOs.
                Cameron did what he did because he knew that there was no way under the system of European open borders that the British public would ever tolerate figures that contained six noughts. Those 20,000 he was prepared to allow entry were to be selected from the refugee camps in Jordan among others. This would allow an investigation into their backgrounds before they were allowed to come. Those who are still in these camps are among the most disserving of a home in the UK, because they are true refugees who cannot afford the exorbitant demands of the people traffickers: they are the poor that deserve a chance – but even so we can only take so many, and we have nothing to feel ashamed of.
                Many of those who managed to arrive were able to afford to pay the traffickers[2]; are probably those who belong to the Assad Alawite faith who of course support Bashar al-Assad, and led comfortable lives under his families reign. What I witnessed on my television screen over the summer were numerous healthy and well dressed young men among the throng of refugees. They were not only young but also looking remarkably fit: they were clothed in a Western fashion (and I do mean fashion). If they had wives and children they had left them behind with vague promises of returning for them.
                But apart from these seemingly affluent refugees; how on earth are we to accept, if not on faith, how many ISIS members were given passage across the Mediterranean mixed among those who had a claim to refugee status. This is why a sifting process is needed, and it can only be put in place, as the government realised, within those refugee camps in Jordan, where the truly wretched of the earth are barely surviving.

CAMERON ACTED both through fear of public reaction, and a genuine concern to allow only those to come and live among us who can be accredited through a sifting process. Germany thought otherwise. Angela Merkle welcomed, without any kind of restriction or investigation, all of those who wished to come to Germany should be allowed to do so and she won much kudos, not as it now turns out from her own people; but from the UN and the international liberal media. Today she is lorded over by the international community of world leaders and the UN; but like Margaret Thatcher, and Tony Blair, she is becoming despised in her own country; including among her own party, as was both Blair and Thatcher.
               These charities that ferment such criticism are naive; they have no grip on the real world – the world of human nature; a less than perfect construct that has brought us humans this far in the evolutionary cycle to where we are today: these charities have no grip on the political grasp of our politician's difficulties; they ask Cameron to do more than allow 20,000 refugees into the country. These charities are indifferent to the feelings of the British people (and not only the indigenous population). Do they really think that that the British public will cheer Cameron if he follows the strictures in their correspondence? Such charities have no thought of what, especially after Schengen, such a further flood of humanity would do to an already overstretched NHS, or social services; there is already pressure on our schools and on our housing. Our infrastructure is already being put under great strain because of the EU policy of open borders.
                Countries such as Sweden, Poland and Hungry have, or are considering, closing their borders:  I believe in 2016 more countries will have to do the same. It has turned out to be a perfect storm created in Brussels. Open borders have added five million people to this country's population in under a decade: just imagine for one moment the pressure this puts on this country's social infrastructure – now we are being asked by these wretched charities to take in more, and follow Angela Merkle's example.
                 I notice that when the Paris terrorist attacks occurred last year Frau Merkle was nowhere to be seen. Presidents and prime ministers from all four corners of the globe publicly sent their sympathies to the French president: but Angela was nowhere to be seen; and why not? Because she had welcomed a million mainly Syrians to come and live among her people, and she feared not only her own people but people throughout Europe would make the connection between what happened in Paris and what she said.
                 These charities must understand that there are limits to what any nation (but especially ours) can take in terms of artificially created increases in their population. We in the UK are not like America where there was plenty of space to absorb such a deluge; in fact it was actively encouraged by the authorities. Ellis Island welcomed thousands upon thousands into a young vibrant America to build a nation – remember this…to build a nation. America was, so to speak, under creation; it craved (especially from Europe) ambitious and hard working migrants to help realise the nation's founding father's dream.
                  There is no comparison between these events in North America and Europe today. But I believe those charities now chastising David Cameron to do more at a time when less is the requirement are naive, but nevertheless dedicated servants of the needy - the road to hell is paved with good intentions. These charities seem almost blind to the consequences of their idealism; if, that is such idealism is allowed to persist. All it will do is cause resentment[3]among (especially, but not exclusively) the indigenous population; and a new set of problems will erupt which theses charities are incapable of seeing; blinded as they are by their good works.


[1] Some say over a million
[2] I have listened to media speculation that they have to pay anything from five to fifteen thousand dollars to the ferryman to cross this latter day Stygian hell-hole called the Mediterranean.
[3] As it will in Germany sooner or later.

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