'I am Syrian. You have to treat me kindly. Mrs Merkel invited me':
A Cologne sex attack suspect
FEMALE CITIZENS OF Cologne, Dusseldorf[1], Hamburg, and Stuttgart have been sexually assaulted by hundreds of men from what witnesses described as being of North African origin. The women were groped, and one, Michelle, an 18- year-old, found herself surrounded by what she calculated to be 30 men, who grouped her breasts, bottom and crotch: it seems that such actions were the prelude to stealing money or valuables from them. The events in Cologne have been depicted as an isolated incident by the BBC and Sky News: and in the former's case the ethnicity of the assailants went unreported for a while; while Sky found it significant in the light of Frau Merkel's invitation during last summer, and her appeal to the German people to welcome a million migrants from mainly, but not exclusively Syria, that have entered Germany since her invitation.
But the events in Cologne on New Year's Eve, we now learn, were replicated in Dusseldorf, Hamburg, and Stuttgart, and in one case going back to 2014. What has been happening in Germany has gone unreported outside of the country. Cologne's mayor has declared the part of the city where these outrages occurred a no-go area for women. This has caused outrage and there have been demonstrations against the edict: and quite right too.
What was it Enoch said? 'We must be mad; literally mad' and he was pilloried as a racist. What really disturbs me is why three other German cities that suffered similar occurrences went unnoticed by our own media. Something is happening within Europe; something the liberal media (particularly in this country and particularly the BBC) wishes to play down. Over the coming days you will probably (or not) be treated to the various experiences of these women.
Once more the liberal hymn of 'these are a small minority and do not reflect the behaviour of all Muslims' will be brought out in television studio after television studio in response to such behaviour. When in fact they were given permission by the Koran to do what they did because the women were not Muslim; and if they had been, they would not have been out on the streets of Cologne or any other German city; but covered in black and under the cosh of their sexually frustrated husbands. In other words, those who corralled these women into a situation whereby they could sexually abuse them; felt entitled to do so by their own religious teaching that see all infidels (male or female) as fair game.
What disappoints me, is the way our feminists zip their mouths shut when it comes the sufferings of Muslim women; or even their own sisterhood if Muslims abuse them; or as in Rochdale and other towns and cities, they abuse female teenagers. Forget about the rights and wrongs of gender inequality - when it comes to such abuses the Lefty feminists remain silently ensconced over a computer screen tracking on social media the misogynistic comments of a politician or celebrity. This is the extent of the feminist reach when it comes to empowering women.
ANGELA MERKEL has, as have many other European leaders, a lot to answer for. But it was her own particular contribution that set the stage for this unfolding tragedy for Europe and her own country. Having witnessed, like the rest of the world, the appalling sight of a dead child laying face down on the shoreline with the foam from the waves encircling the child's dead body; she made up her mind to invite all and sundry from that ravaged part of the world to come and live among her people; which they did and were welcomed by well-meaning people who also shared their leaders outrage to the point of opening their country to the waves of the dispossessed that were about to descend.
It is formidably naive to invite others culture's to join your own as part of a liberal ideology known as multiculturalism. Germany, probably more than any other European country, believes it still has to seek salvation for its recent history by overcompensating for its Nazi past. And I think that this was the reason for Frau Merkel's invitation.
The German people are still feeling redemptive, and this is blinding them to the danger. This guilt is silly, stupid, and only weakens the country in terms of its defensive capability. Germany must revitalise its nationhood and not sell itself out because of a cruel and abominable historical episode that the modern generation has no responsibility for. Germany's embrace of the EU is also part of the same psychology of seeking redemption from its neighbours - It no more needs the EU than does the UK or France.
When one million people from a troubled nation are invited to settle in your country from whatever part of the world, whether Christian or Muslim; and of whatever ethnicity; among those million will be criminals, paedophiles, thieves, pickpockets, rapists, arsonists, and even murderers; in fact every conceivable sin imaginable comes with the flow. Our compassion blinds us to this reality when we see people in life-threatening situations: we would not be human if we did not care.
The horse has bolted, and the barn door has not even been closed. Frau Merkel, from the very best of human impulses, has jeopardised her people by her decision, taken after a poor child laying face down on the shoreline like a piece of detritus that set in motion events that the German chancellor and her people will come to regret.
[1] According to the Associated Press,' a spokesman for police in the nearby city of Dusseldorf said officers there have identified more than 2,000 suspects of North African origin in connection with organized theft offences since the start of 2014'.
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