GERMANY'S DEVELOPMENT MINISTER, Gerd Müller (CSU) has issued a warning about future migrations into Europe. According to Die Welt Müller believes that those immigrants that entered Germany[1] and other parts of Europe last summer represent just a mere ten percent of those that will eventually arrive. In an interview he gave to the Bild on Sunday, he is quoted as saying; 'Only ten percent of the initiated in Syria and Iraq escape shaft has reached us. Eight to ten million are silent [and] on the way,' He goes on to refer to the situation in Africa; Müller added: 'In the Sahara, up to one million people have died trying to escape. This shows the whole drama ... It THEREFORE needs a completely new dimension of international cooperation'.
So what many of us feared Gerd Műller has confirmed. In the coming years, the flood will turn into a Tsunami. In the age of globalisation and the digital media the dispossessed, or those fleeing persecution, have access through mobile phones, television, or the internet, to the rest of the world. I remember hundreds of thousands of mainly fit looking young men holding a mobile phone in their hand,[2] or to their ear and communicating, no doubt, to their families and telling them of Frau Merkle's generosity on behalf of her people.
What those families left behind were also being told is that Europe has open borders; if you are accepted by one country, the whole continent is your oyster. Well of course the open borders policy was meant only for EU member states; but the EU could not stand by and see people drowning in the Mediterranean trying to get to Italy; so, Italy as well as Greece was forced to engage in rescuing the over-laden boats that were making their way to Europe – even the Royal Navy joined in. And when a poor child was washed up dead, laying face down on a shoreline; the images of this sad spectacle were sent around the world via space and the internet. The resultant anger the images caused throughout the world resulted in Angela Merkle's invitation to a million Syrian refugees to come and live in Germany.
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, and Merkle's intentions were good; but all decisions have consequence, consequences that have to be thought through before making them – thus the phrase the Left like to use 'a knee jerk reaction'; a phrase which exemplifies the behaviour of Angela Merkle when she invited one million people, over-night, to take up residency in Germany.
GERD MÜLLER has warned of further and more severe intrusions into the continent that make last summer's numbers seem minuscule. I believe Gerd Müller's predictions are correct, given his position in the German government.
At the moment, Europe has a population of 15 million Muslims,[3] brought to the continent via European liberal guilt over colonialism. Last summer well over a million Muslims sought sanctuary in Europe. The numbers of specifically Muslims are increasing within Europe. The liberal Utopian vision of multiculturalism has never worked. It was based upon the patronising liberal belief that Muslims, or any other opposite culture, will integrate given the opportunity into the British cultural values while practising diversity – the very negation of integration. I am by nature a pessimist; while our Europhiles are optimists, and there is an ongoing battle between the two.
Well, these cultural intrusions think more (rightly so) of their cultures than do the liberal hegemony of theirs. Liberals think that, like Christian missionaries they can change people; people still enmeshed in medievalism can be transported into the realms of liberty and free speech: free speech that allows criticism of all things from politics to religion free of censorship by the state. This is not happening because the corollary of multiculturalism is political correctness, the dubious technique of introducing a liberal nomenclature of acceptable multicultural expressions as an addendum to the ideology of multiculturalism.
Islam is riddled with what we today (excluding the multiculturalists) deem as antediluvians; antediluvians that the Western Christian Church today has long since left behind. Only Islam practices such multifarious Middle Age practices once concocted by the likes of Torquemada. Islam is on the brink of overthrowing the European infidel; many of whose liberals still persist in the belief that Islam is a moderate faith: I agree; but only because throughout Europe Muslims are still a minority; a minority that over time will become more confident as their numbers increase; as they enter politics; and as they control parts of European cities and use their monopoly of certain city constituencies with a strong and dominant presence electing Muslims to Parliaments, Assemblies, and the Bundestag – those who believe in integration through multiculturalism will be forced to abandon the sacred chalice of freedom of thought and speech.
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